13 Quotes About Chief

These quotes about chief will inspire you to be a leader and make a difference in the world. When we think of leaders, we typically think of powerful people who have a lot of influence, and can cause a lot of change. But a good leader is more than a person who is powerful. Being a leader isn’t about having power or being strong, it’s about leading by example and showing others how to be good leaders.

In some cases, you can tell how somebody is being...
In some cases, you can tell how somebody is being treated by their own boss from the way they are treating someone to whom they are a boss. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Because you're always learning, the chief lesson remains: you still...
Because you're always learning, the chief lesson remains: you still know nothing. Criss Jami
Trust is like a block of ice, once it melts into the ground, you can never get it back. Captain Chief
When stumbling blocks can become stepping stones, then these stones that the builders reject can equally become chief corner stones! Israelmore Ayivor
The sign of a good leader is easy to recognize, though it is hardly ever seen. For the greatest leaders are those who share as equals in the trials and struggles, the demands and expectations, the hills and trenches, the laws and punishments placed upon the backs of those governed. A great leader is motivated not by power but by compassion. Therefore he can do nothing but make himself a servant to those whom he rules. Such a leader is unequivocally respected, and loved for loving. Richelle E. Goodrich
He who runs with the platypus is no more a man than he who swallows chesnuts Unknown
There are two types of silly bosses: one is the too kind boss and another, the evil boss Managers Essentials
As chief, I will represent my people in many different ways and might never know which particular action is destined to matter more than another, thus, all my actions should be considered potentially important and worthy of my best effort. Jennifer FrickRuppert
Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man. Oswald Chambers
Be the chief but never the lord. Lao Tzu
The chief internal enemies of any state are those public officials who betray the trust imposed upon them by the people. Dalton Trumbo
Your every voter, as surely as your chief magistrate, exercises a public trust. Grover Cleveland