8 Quotes About World View

A world-view is the set of beliefs about how the world works, how people should act, and what is “appropriate” for us to do. World-views are learned by the people who bring them up. They are not set in stone. We can change our world-view at any time, but it takes some thought and effort to do so Read more

These quotes on the world-views are just some of many that have been collected. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed collecting them!

Obviously, a rigid, blinkered, absolutist world view is the easiest to keep hold of, whereas the fluid, uncertain, metamorphic picture I've always carried about is rather more vulnerable. Yet I must cling with all my might to … my own soul; must hold on to its mischievous, iconoclastic, out-of-step clown-instincts, no matter how great the storm. And if that plunges me into contradiction and paradox, so be it; I've lived in that messy ocean all my life. I've fished in it for my art. This turbulent sea was the sea outside my bedroom window in Bombay. It is the sea by which I was born, and which I carry within me wherever I go. Salman Rushdie
It is easy for anybody to call himself or herself a “Christian” but the truth is we respond from very different world-views Sunday Adelaja
Is not the true respect and worship of God the exercising of our power in such a way that we are also respected? Shannon L. Alder
If you believe the Bible is true, you ought to know that demons are real. The Bible is filled with references of evil and demons, and Christ repeatedly cast out demons, so I believe the universe is much more complex and mysterious than it may appear to our senses. D.L. Koontz
No two people ever view the world from exactly the same perspective, understand things the same way, human or not. The best we can ever do is try. Debra Driza
Our work calls on us to confront, with our patients and within ourselves, extraordinary human experiences. This confrontation is profoundly humbling in that at all times these experiences challenge the limits of our humanity and our view of the world... John P. Wilson
To recognize and comprehend what influences us and others is to function with purpose. Mark David Henderson