85 Quotes About Window

Some of the most inspiring quotes are about the power of opening a new window on your life. The more you look at the world through fresh eyes, the more you’ll notice new opportunities, new faces, and new meanings in everything around you. So say a prayer for a fresh start and a new window, and watch as your life opens up to a whole new chapter.

Open the window of your mind. Allow the fresh air,...
Open the window of your mind. Allow the fresh air, new lights and new truths to enter. Amit Ray
The faithful man perceives nothing less than opportunity in difficulties. Flowing through his spine, faith and courage work together: Such a man does not fear losing his life, thus he will risk losing it at times in order to empower it. By this he actually values his life more than the man who fears losing his life. It is much like leaping from a window in order to avoid a fire yet in that most crucial moment knowing that God will appear to catch you. . Criss Jami
Fear leads to death as the window to the courtyard....
Fear leads to death as the window to the courtyard. Jump! Grigoris Deoudis
Put down your stones. Why are you breaking the window...
Put down your stones. Why are you breaking the window when God has left the door wide open? If you are afraid, lover, follow me. I will guide the way. Kamand Kojouri
It's a huge disservice to classify all minds as either...
It's a huge disservice to classify all minds as either closed or open. I find the best minds are closed by openable windows. Criss Jami
The last class of my old professor's life took place...
The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves. Mitch Albom
Thank you for helping my sister, ” he says. I...
Thank you for helping my sister, ” he says. I lean forward, mimicking his position. “I’m happy to.” Calliope leans out her window. “STOP FLIRTING AND GET BACK TO WORK. Stephanie Perkins
Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and dark square...
Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what? It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages? Virginia Woolf
I looked at myself in that window, oblivious to all the people around me and I stared and smiled that particular smile. You know that smile that seems to knock you and tell you how pathetic you are? That's the smile I was smiling. Markus Zusak
It’s the beating of my heart. The way I lie awake, playing with shadows slowly climbing up my wall. The gentle moonlight slipping through my window and the sound of a lonely car somewhere far away, where I long to be too, I think. It’s the way I thought my restless wandering was over, that I’d found whatever I thought I had found, or wanted, or needed, and I started to collect my belongings. Build a home. Safe behind the comfort of these four walls and a closed door. Because as much as I tried or pretended or imagined myself as a part of all the people out there, I was still the one locking the door every night. Turning off the phone and blowing out the candles so no one knew I was home. ’cause I was never really well around the expectations of my personalityand I wanted to keep to myself. and because I haven’t been very impressed lately. By people, or places. Or the way someone said he loved me and then slowly changed his mind. Charlotte Eriksson
There is no window to look outside. There is no...
There is no window to look outside. There is no window to look within. Open the doors. Sanhita Baruah
The window of her sadness was so vast that it...
The window of her sadness was so vast that it almost opened a path to her soul. Ondjaki
He sat beside the window in the dark, with his eyes closed. Hearing to the sound of the rain. The whisky in his glass burnt his throat, while the smoke of his cigarette filled his lungs and the fire inside his heart consumed his soul slowly. Akshay Vasu
The day you start falling in love, with the wrecked...
The day you start falling in love, with the wrecked homes and broken windows instead of running away from them. You will find a story that fills your soul, behind every burnt door. Akshay Vasu
I will continue to exist in all these little moments. where we took the first dip of love and my heart skipped a beat. Our first walk, the first touch which burnt my soul, that first rain, the first kiss, the first comfortable silence between us. How many years may pass, Whenever I am sitting near the window and its raining or whenever I am sitting by a fireside and its cold, There will always be a piece of me which reminds me of you. It will stay in this moment forever. Akshay Vasu
She is trying to control me with fear, because she cannot control me any other way. My eyes open wide. They burn as if they are on fire–no, as if they are made of fire. Eyes are the window to the soul. Beth Revis
The original KDF-wagen as it was called was basic and rudimentary, but essentially the same as the later post war production cars that followed. Features of this vehicle included cable operated brakes (! ! ) and a tiny 800cc flat four motor with a single exhaust, 16 inch tires and the KDF twin glove compartment (without lids) dash. Oh, and last but not least — probably the most famous and sought-after rear window in automotive history! . Christina Engela
The famous split window Splits had the KDF dash until 1953, which had two glove compartments. Note rear “w” bonnet and small round taillights. There were no indicators like today’s cars — just pop-up indicators that work with an electric servo, called ‘trafficators’ or ‘semaphores’. 6v electrics. Small, flat front windscreen. Christina Engela
He built a fort around, making it impossible for anyone to go near him. And he sat near the window watching her dance in the rain, with someone else. Akshay Vasu
Her latest client is Professor Desmond Curnin, a university professor who teaches library sciences to large groups of students. He’s quick to pay on-time, quick to never fall behind. He’s a brown-haired man with an unkempt beard and thick-framed hipster glasses. He slides a leather briefcase stuffed with dollar bills into the open window of Geraldine’s car. “Your fly’s unzipped, ” Geraldine points out, disgusted. “Who gave you a license to sell hot dogs, buddy? . Rebecca McNutt
Last night the nightingale sat by my window and sang her joyous song of love... Though I loved it, my heart silently missed the beautiful song of your heart beat! Avijeet Das
The sound of diesel fuel rushing through grimy pistons and cylinders below a morning-fogged window bored through his ears like a deep-water drill bit, and the thump of his own heartbeat cursed him for breaking one of his many rules. Luke Taylor
The passing clouds outside the window form the perfect backdrop for wavering frames I see moving inside my mind. Pavitraa Parthasarathy
Peace can't be seen with eyes, only the mind can see it and the heart can feel it. So open the window of your mind to let it come in. Debasish Mridha
Have you ever sat on a window seat in the train of your memories while it's raining heavily? Rain has this ridiculous power of waking up all the angels and demons inside us at once doesn't it?. All of a sudden there is a war inside us between both the sides. We can do nothing but clench our fists and watch our train derail and take a path we have never come across before. All we know at that point of time is that we are going to crash somewhere. Either our demons win or the angels, we are going to get wounded somewhere. Akshay Vasu
You are looking at the world from your window, that’s good, but there is something missing here, something very big: You must also look at your window from the world to see yourself! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Suicide creates his own society: to shut yourself off from other people in some dingy, rented box and stare, like Melville's Bartleby, day in and day out at the dead wall outside your window is in itself a rejection of the world which is said to be rejecting you. It is a way of saying, like Bartleby, 'I prefer not to' to every offer and every possibility, which is a condition no amount of social engineering will cure. Unknown
Outside the window, a bank of clouds appeared on the horizon, inching slowly across the sky, finally slipping across the Moon and blocking out its radiant light. As he clicked off his overhead light, he turned his eyes one last time to the heavens. Outside, in the newly fallen darkness, the world had been transformed. The sky had become a glistening tapestry of stars. Dan Brown
Be informed here and now that incessant prayers does  not finger God to open the Windows of heaven. What God wants to see Is your passion towards success and your giving drive...nothing else! Michael Bassey Johnson
Though we think we see different things from our windows, in reality we see the same things: Happiness and sorrow! All that is seen from every window! Mehmet Murat Ildan
If it’s reality you want, I suggest you look out the window. Peter Stamm
A breeze, a forgotten summer, a smile, all can fit into a storefront window. Dejan Stojanovic
Our own place is mall perhaps, but when your old man is eaten by his own shadow, you realise that maybe in every house, something so savage and sad and brilliant is standing up, without the world even seeing it. Maybe that's what these pages of words are about: Bringing the world to the window. Markus Zusak
Who says you cannot hold the moon in your hand? Tonight when the stars come out and the moon rises in the velvet sky, look outside your window, then raise your hand and position your fingers around the disk of light. There you go . . . That was easy! Vera Nazarian
A writer should be able to open a window or two for others to see the world and themselves in a new light. Anything less is just self—indulgence and intellectual masturbation. Barista Uno
A writer should be able to open a window or two and prompt others to see the world and themselves in a new light. Anything less is just self—indulgence and intellectual masturbation. Barista Uno
Large Squares, 1965 -Last BeetleThe body is much the same as the previous model, aside from increase in window size all round. Door handles and lock mechanisms also changed as well as seat and dashboard designs. Chrome beading became thinner, mounting holes for these also smaller. Chrome was later replaced by black anodizing or plastic to try and modernize the Bug. Tail light clusters changed from the oval shape to the ‘headstone’ and then the ‘elephant’s foot’ jumbo units the bug saw its last days with. In 1965 new larger windows all round. 1966 saw the last 6v bug, and also the first 1300cc motor. Those horrible little air vents behind the rear side windows came out in 1971 that caused lots of rusty bugs. Sloping headlights looked much nicer but went out in 1967. Christina Engela
There’s a small window of opportunity to apologize sometimes after you’ve terribly wronged someone. It closes. Sometimes forever, but it never opens wide enough again for a good breeze. Darnell Lamont Walker
FRIENDSLooking out the window, I see you looking in. You are the sunshine, That fills my soul. Giorge Leedy
Sure, I watched the workmen come and lower large pieces of rotten sheetrock and lift new clean panels on a pulleyfrom that same window months ago, and I could have written then, but I must have sensed her coming, the smoker, so I waited. Kristen Henderson
Sometimes Spiro missed the times when a troublesome worker was thrown out of a high window and that was the end of him. These days, if you threw someone out of a window, they'd phone their lawyer on the way down. Eoin Colfer
When God opens the windows of heaven for rain to flow, those who will enjoy are those who sow! Don't misuse the blessings of God... Get a seed today to grow! Israelmore Ayivor
I have noticed that the solar radiation reflections from rippled privacy windows cause greatly accelerated growth patterns in plants Steven Magee
Your partner may have injuries that you can't repair. Your partner may be trapped in a dark room without windows. Your life narrative might bring him more relief than an opiate. Some people make better windows than windows. Your kind words and enlightened perspective is a window of wonders to someone living in pain.pg 43 Michael Ben Zehabe
Have you ever sat on a window seat, in the train of your memories while it's raining heavily? Rain has this ridiculous power of waking up all the angels and demons inside us at once, doesn't it? All of a sudden there is a war inside us, between both the sides. We can do nothing but clench our fists and watch our train derail and take a path we have never come across before. All we know at that point of time is that we are going to crash somewhere. Either our demons win or the angels, we are going to get wounded somewhere. . Akshay Vasu
What are you staring at?"" Rain drops on window glass is a sort of love-bite, is it not? Jasleen Kaur Gumber
My love is a winter’s mistgently dissolvingthrough the windowat the nape of your neck. Sanober Khan
It is proven that the glass in your environment may be able to affect your health. Steven Magee
This morning I woke up before the alarm clock went off and the sky outside was a big red ocean. You're beautiful when you're sleeping so I spent an hour observing the way you breathe. Inhale, exhale, without a thought of tomorrow. The window was open and the air was so crisp and I couldn't imagine how to ever ask for more than this. Charlotte Eriksson
He looked out of the window to think, because without a window he couldn’t think. Or maybe it was the other way around: When there was a window, he automatically started to think. Then he wrote, “When I grow up, I am going to be happy. Guus Kuijer
Deception sneaks in through the window of pride. Evinda Lepins
I'm hungry for a juicy life. I lean out my window at night and I can taste it out there, just waiting for me. Brigid Lowry
From the same window, you keep seeing the same view! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Enlarge your windows till you get a window where you can see the whole universe with one look! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Enlarge your windows till you will get a window where you can see the whole universe with one look! Mehmet Murat Ildan
It is raining at the top of my roof and I'am inside my blanket in this chilling night with an open window, missing my love and listning the rain singing a lullaby to me. Shabnam Sinha
- I see the real world, Nancy. But it doesn't seem real to me.- How does it seem?- It seems like an illusion that nobody notices. Stevie Mikayne
Set wide the window. Let me drink the day. Edith Wharton
My behavior last night was poor."" Poor?" Agatha coughed. "You pushed me through a window! Soman Chainani
What do you see from your window? Mostly the things you have been taught to you! And so your view is poor and so you too! To be rich, let the things which have not been taught to you reach you too! Mehmet Murat Ildan
If you want the people to understand you, invite them to your life and let them see the world from your window! Mehmet Murat Ildan
When you looked out my window you could see the whole city crouched under a blanket of car smog. Markus Zusak
Honestly, I find the analysis of dreams is one of the dullest things. I say this as a therapist kid. I find them deeply uninteresting, as a window to the soul. Ira Glass
A Hubble Space Telescope photograph of the universe evokes far more awe for creation than light streaming through a stained glass window in a cathedral. Michael Shermer
The lunar flights give you a correct perception of our existence. You look back at Earth from the moon, and you can put your thumb up to the window and hide the Earth behind your thumb. Everything you've ever known is behind your thumb, and that blue-and-white ball is orbiting a rather normal star, tucked away on the outer edge of a galaxy. Jim Lovell
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window. Steve Wozniak
A window covered with raindrops interests me more than a photograph of a famous person. Saul Leiter
When kids are young, before the age of ten, there is a critical window of opportunity when their habits and motivations can be influenced. Richard Attias
I have a room dedicated to music and recording. I go there first thing in the morning and just before I go to bed. And it has a window to my street, so I can watch all the crazies walking by. Brendon Urie
Even at the United Nations, where legend has it that the building was designed so that there could be no corner offices, the expanse of glass in individual offices is said to be a dead giveaway as to rank. Five windows are excellent, one window not so great. Enid Nemy
If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade. Tom Peters
In October, a maple tree before your window lights up your room like a great lamp. Even on cloudy days, its presence helps to dispel the gloom. John Burroughs
I think 'North by Northwest' and 'Rope' and Rear Window' and 'Psycho' are on my list of favorite all time movies. I just think his kind of command as a director was almost unparalleled, and I feel like in certain ways the sort of character-based thriller owes more to Hitchcock than anyone. Carlton Cuse
The great majority of Baghdad is a slum - a lot of it's new, but it's still slum. It's usually this concrete-block, one-room design with a door and a window, arranged one-up, one-down, often with a shop with nothing in it on the first floor, and then a one-room apartment above it. There's street after street after street of that stuff. P. J. ORourke
Because forgiveness is like this: a room can be dank because you have closed the windows, you've closed the curtains. But the sun is shining outside, and the air is fresh outside. In order to get that fresh air, you have to get up and open the window and draw the curtains apart. Desmond Tutu
I went window shopping today! I bought four windows. Tommy Cooper
We need more of the Office Desk and less of the Show Window in politics. Let men in office substitute the midnight oil for the limelight. Calvin Coolidge
Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds. John Perry Barlow
Having a child makes you realize the importance of life - narcissism goes out the window. Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I'd be fine. Jenny McCarthy
If God drives a car, He'd drive a 1973 Ford LTD Brougham sedan with a claret-colored vinyl roof, with oxblood leather upholstery and an opera window. Douglas Coupland
When I got the job on 'Lost, ' I was a broke university student living in the crappiest part of town, with a duct-taped back window on a broken-down car. I existed on peanut butter and tea. Evangeline Lilly
My grandfather milked several cows twice a day and supplied the neighbours with dairy products. He liked to go visiting around the county on Saturdays, and he also enjoyed the neighbours when they came by once a week with their empty milk jars. He walked them out to their cars and hung over the driver's side window until they drove off. Kary Mullis
We live in downtown Manhattan and we have pretty big windows that looked right at the World Trade Center. I was home along with Kai and we watched it all happen. I was holding him in my arms and we were looking out the window when the second plane hit. Jennifer Connelly
Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window. Peter Drucker