16 Quotes About Vega

These famous Vegas quotes will help you live the life you want and become a better you in the process. With so many people in the world, it's hard to find someone with whom we share a common passion. Finding that special someone may be difficult, but when we do, we're sure to enjoy it for a very long time. Once you've found your perfect match, be sure to show your love with these romantic Vegas quotes.

May I help you?"" Mr. Neck-uh-stone-sack please, " I replied." Um. You mean Nat?""Yeah. This is Counselor Smallwater's law office. May I speak with Nat?""Well, he's in a class right now. Can I take a message?"" Hmm. I suppose it's all right. You can just tell him that his annulment is official now. He and his sister are no longer married. Michael Darling
I promise I don’t bite.” He winked at her. That earned him another throaty laugh. Then she bent over him, hands braced on his thighs, her luscious mouth inches from his. The heat of her palms singed his skin even through his jeans. Her warm breaths puffed against his lips as she stared him dead in the eye. “What if I do? J.M. Stewart
Unable to help himself, he offered her a smile and stared into those eyes as he tapped his mouth. “I think you missed. J.M. Stewart
After six long hours of driving and three rest stops, Tiger pulls up to a snow-topped, metal speaker box just outside the State Penitentiary's first gate in Walla Walla. As he rolls down his window and snow flies in his face, Joshua starts begging for a Happy Meal.I turn around, snapping at him. "This ISN'T MCDONALDS and YOU AREN'T HUNGRY. NOW SHUT UP BRAT."A loud scratchy masculine voice blasts out of the speaker. "CAN I HELP YOU?"Tiger leans out the window, as he answers- We're here to visit Raven Chandler."HAVE YOU BEEN HERE BEFORE?""Yes sir. I've been here A LOT." "WHERE'S HIS MOTHER?""I don't know. I haven't seen her in months."" N O T THE PRISONER'S MOTHER. THE BRAT IN THE BACK SEAT OF YOUR JEEP.""Oh- HIM-" As he turns, smiling and sticking his tongue out at Joshua, I lean towards his window to answer the guard's question. "SHE'S IN VEGAS, SIR. I'M BABYSITTING. HE'S MY GODSON." When the speaker remains disturbingly silent for far too long, I continue. "HE'S A GOOD BOY SIR. HE WON'T BE ANY TROUBLE- I SWEAR." "THAT'S RIGHT, " Tiger said. "HE SWEARS ON THE LITTLE BRAT'S MOTHER'S GRAVE. Giorge Leedy
Where have you been?" I asked weakly. A few minutes ago I would have rather died than questioned him. Let him know I care. But I'm too sick to be strong, kick ass Rayne at the moment." Vegas" he says. I raise an eyebrows. "Uh, okay. Win anything?" I can't believe he was off gambling as I lay dying. I mean, I know poker is hot and all, but couldn't he have waited a couple of days for that straight flush?" I got what I went for, if that's what you mean."" What, a lap dance?" He chuckes. "Even sick, you're still funny, Rayne. Mari Mancusi
Thank god for Vegas. Seriously.A lobotomy wasn’t as effective as a weekend three hours of Red Bull away (from LA, not Pismo) where I wore the thinnest pinned stilettos, gambled like a sweaty degenerate mobster in black loafers, drank like Amy Winehouse and Charles Bukowski’s baby, and snorted throat-dripping lines of coke in a Hard Rock Hotel bathroom with four new best friends. I’d giddily rub off any one of those from the to-do list I wrote in eyeliner on my hotel bathroom mirror. Christy Heron
The cool parts - the parts that have won Dubai its reputation as 'the Vegas of the Middle East' or 'the Venice of the Middle East' or 'the Disney World of the Middle East, if Disney World were the size of San Francisco and out in a desert' - have been built in the last ten years. George Saunders
Vegas is famous for a lot of things, and bad marriages are one of them. Margo and I are proof that you can make this work. It just takes a little effort. Ron White
I think people under age 55 come to Vegas with a certain sense of irony. Penn Jillette
In Singapore, there is this life and locals and restaurants and then big casinos and an array of chefs, and even Miami is almost close to Vegas when it comes to an amazing presentation of chefs. But they don't have these massive hotels that have become their own culinary villages. Daniel Boulud
We're all living in a casino. It's just Vegas. Everything is on camera. Everything is being recorded. Everything is on audio. The truth is we all have access to everybody else's information. Ashton Kutcher
I was born out of a Vegas marriage: My parents got married three days after they met. Elle King
'Vegas' was something very close to me. I had such a blast doing that. I'm still a little upset that we never really got to shoot that final episode. So many people were invested in it. I'll always be sad about that. Josh Duhamel
I did my time for the rape. I paid my money to Las Vegas. I paid my dues. Mike Tyson
I've been married before, but I've never had my dream wedding in Vegas. I wanted to do it there because it's casual, quick, not religious and, most of all, very romantic. Sinead OConnor