23 Quotes About Probably

We all know and love the quotes that say, “life is what you make of it.” But we can’t just take whatever we want from them and use it in situations where they’re not applicable. How about we add a few more? These probably quotes will help you in all the situations in your life when you need to smile and laugh to get through. No doubt about it, these probably quotes will help you get through any difficult situation you might be facing.

My ship — the Demeter, was a star-liner operated by the Red Star Line. I say ‘was’ because of the events you will read about in this account. This is a long letter, I know, but I had quite a long time to write it. You probably already know this, having seen the commercials running on all the major channels for the last twenty years or so, but the Red Star Line is the largest cruise operator in the known universe. Unless something has changed between now and by the time you read this, this is probably still true. In fact, customers of the Red Star Line get more quality, value for money — and smiles by Demeter than they do anywhere else. Okay, okay. It’s an old joke — corny for sure, but what the hell. Christina Engela
25. Whenever two human beings spend time together, sooner or later they will probably irritate one another. This is true of best friends, married couples, parents and children, or teachers and students. The question is: How do they respond when friction occurs? There are four basic ways they can react:- They can internalize the anger and send it downward into a memory bank that never forgets. This creates great pressure within and can even result in disease and other problems.- They can pout and be rude without discussing the issues. This further irritates the other person and leaves him or her to draw his or her own conclusions about what the problem may be.- They can blow up and try to hurt the other person. This causes the death of friendships, marriages, homes, and businesses.- Or they can talk to one another about their feelings, being very careful not to attack the dignity and worth of the other person. This approach often leads to permanent and healthy relationships. James C. Dobson
If you can’t dream big, you will never see the vivid colors of probability over the darkness of possibility. Shannon L. Alder
People are born in the past, .. most people will say that they are living in the present?! But it's not possible, just saying "I'm living in the present", there is milliseconds like 1., 2., 3., 4., 5 and seconds which are 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.. so you probably won't live in the present even and in now.. YOu live in "Bowl" let's said it?? Or I will call it like this, you die in the future.. what's now is the future you have died there or will die! . Deyth Banger
People are so stupid, that they repeat your words and said in other words and what??( I'm stupid, so stupid that I want to repeat), I just heard that probably I have missunderstand something...( N Ote- It's joke a Get it?) Deyth Banger
If you think that your partner has been cheating, then take a look at their will. If a past lover is in there, then it is probable that some form of infidelity has occurred. Steven Magee
You know that when your partner deletes their messages to a past lover after being accused of cheating, then it is likely that they were being unfaithful in some way. Steven Magee
Stephen King started to read comics first, I started to watch films and little reading books.. Now everything has changed Stephen King reads books and watch films, I read comics, watch films, read books listen to audiobooks.. This are two different stories, you were challanged to open them, good job you open them now but can you try to start a new life?? To start by opening a new book?? Meeting with new characters?? With new writers?? With one new book which has a story which you haven't heard?? Probably, you aren't still ready! . Deyth Banger
RSL has more star-liners than any other company, and covers every commercial route in known space. Demeter is one of the biggest, carrying up to 4500 passengers and crew at any single point on its never-ending, circular cruise around the Terran Empire. And me? Where do I fit in? My name is Sean Lange, and you will probably have never heard of me. It’s sad somehow, I always wanted to leave some kind of a legacy in this life, and perhaps to be remembered. Instead, circumstances have arranged it so that this is probably the last time I will ever use that name. Christina Engela
Everyone in my story has it's own character, GreenHollyWood cheeky, hypocritical and near to mad guy. A guy who really can't understand you and have very wrong conclusion so far I can say they are full of doubt. John Barker, wow that's one of my favourite characters, he is the guy who always lies and always somebody is behind him, he works at the bakery, he tries to devastate a lot of stuff. James Downder, the drunkard who knows probably he takes drugs or not, so far he is full of depression and so far the depression kills people.. . Deyth Banger
I'm not an Emontional, but how??? I live with the thought that "Nothing can be returned, it has happen and it can't be changed", "..But probably it is for good". Deyth Banger
...Okay... probably now you have read all my books up to now..., you have check out everything what I have and you are asking what more??? Check out horror and try to understand it! Deyth Banger
Probably the people on the street know better than the people at home. Deyth Banger
Probably I'm boring, but I have a reason about it and I'm doing behind this, so take it, like it's a fake face. Deyth Banger
I’m sure when you run it through the interweb just now, or if you are from a military ship, through your own database — you will see that you have stumbled across a relic of one of those great mysteries of deep space, and probably one of those missing ships people like to write spooky stories about. Well, whatever they wrote, buddy, they got it wrong. You can take it from me. Christina Engela
Probably it's true what you think and you know... but I don't caareeee I'm a fake character... Deyth Banger
If you give money to poor guy he knows how to spend them, so if you have money which are redundant give them too a poor person. He will probably buy something for eat or he will get out of his misery. Deyth Banger
You know that when a police officer refuses to produce formal identification on request, they are probably engaging in some form of corruption. Steven Magee
A psychologist would probably diagnose insanity for a nation that spends more on its military than the next 8 nations combined, while its poor are starving. Steven Magee
Probably you are right, probably not... who knows? Deyth Banger
Probably... or maybe... one day! Deyth Banger
I'd die for your sins, but I'd probably enjoy them first Josh Stern