22 Quotes About Vampire Series

The Vampire Diaries is a TVD is a pretty unique show. Its unique setting and characters help differentiate it from other shows. A lot of the shows out there show us how relationships play out, but what happens when those relationships are based on darkness? What happens when the relationship is so full of secrets and lies that no one knows the truth? These vampire-series quotes about relationships will help you see how to handle these relationships and what situations to watch out for.

Death drives desire. Rosemary A. Johns
Blood Life is not hunger. It’s freedom Rosemary A. Johns
You know those vampire myths? Bollocks to them. Rosemary A. Johns
…dancing in the carnage and the flames. Rosemary A. Johns
Do you feel it? That roaring call? Rosemary A. Johns
Blood Life is not hunger. It’s freedom. Rosemary A. Johns
Welcome to Tears of Crimson, the New Orleans Vampire Bar. Michelle Hughes
Of course when she finally found someone that listened to her, understood her, and was motivated by her to do better with himself, he had to be a vampire that was sent to kill her and then her father. Inger Iversen
You, child, do not deserve the gift of Undeath bestowed upon you. Oh yes, I hear reports of your works and deeds. I am like the Lord God, counting the sparrows from my throne. I number all the birds and bees in my realm. "Six years you’ve spent in Dagon’s service, and for what? You’re as weak as a newborn, as frightened as a lycan pup. You do not fight our enemies, nor contribute to our cause, nor enrich our coffers. You do not deserve a nanorian. I shall pry it from your heart until you learn to live among us, as one of us. We, who are abominable to the light of the sun. Alix Adale
Why did you turn me?” she’d screamed in his face, close enough for saliva. “You didn’t know me. You didn’t owe me anything. I don’t deserve this. Why didn’t you leave me in the coma? Why didn’t you let me die? Alix Adale
Everything I have ever wanted to be, every dream, every desire is reflected in your eyes. Sarah Warden
If I am going to be a monster, the least I could do is be well fed! Cristina M. Sburlea
I thought that you would be frozen in awe when you found the sequence, when you heard a bird's song repeating my Morse code, my cry for help, my S.O.S, when you saw the same numbers in the petals of a flower and the structure of a pine cone, when you saw with your own eyes the interconnectedness of all things. But I was wrong. You searched for a male god, a creator, an intelligent designer, or you banished the beauty and mystery of the world beneath the cold concrete grave of closed-eye skepticism. The few of you who could still hear my music felt tortured and misunderstood; you reached out for any conspiracy theory large enough to explain your alienated despair, your sense that the Earth was dying and no one cared. But listen to me -- you are not alone. Run your fingers through the grass and grab it in your fists, feel my pulse echoing through your blood. You. Are. Not. Alone. And I -- I am not dead yet. Sarah Warden
You can't force love, I realized. It's there or it isn't. Richelle Mead
Such kings can destroy a world, just as easily as they can build one. Sarah Warden
I like you, Dawn. I've seen a lot of humans, from far away and up close. I've never met one like you. I think you're the closest thing to a sunrise I'll ever see. J.A. London
We do not kill good people, for the world is better with them in it. Faleena Hopkins
All vampires are brothers in the brotherhood of night! Stewart Stafford
I have been speaking to you all of your life. In the gurgle of a tide pool, I breathed myself into you. I drew you down from the trees and I lifted you onto your feet. I freed your hands to become your tools so that you would cradle me in my old age, but you have turned on me. My strongest warrior for life, you have been transformed into an insatiable messenger of death. Only a few of my children are still listening when I howl to them, crying in the night, sending the oceans in great surges to cleanse my land -- to cleanse, and to warn you who no longer listen. I WILL BE HEARD. . Sarah Warden
No one in hundreds of years has had that kind of power -- the power to control the elements. Not since the slaughter of the 1600's .. She has saved her greatest warrior for the moment when you are most needed. It is you, Isi, not us; you are the one destined to save the planet. We boys are just window dressing while you are the last knight of the Earth, pulled from her core and given from her heart to save us all. Haven't you noticed it? The flowers turn their faces to you, as if you were the sun. The most timid and previously abused bird curls up in your arms, as if it were her most natural place. When you are sad, the sky shares your sorrow and darkens in empathy. When you are happy, the moon throws herself into eclipse and the stars themselves wink at you to celebrate your joy. You are her daughter, the daughter of Earth, and she smiles when she sees you. . Sarah Warden
Death and madness are his only mistresses. Kristen Painter