32 Quotes About Ufo

With a bit of a bizarre title, these ufo quotes are all about the spooky stuff. They take you from being amazed at the wonders of our universe to the mysterious nature of the unexplained. The universe is immense and we have only just begun to understand it. It’s amazing that we can get to know it better every time we get a glimpse into what lies beyond our own planet, or when we reach out into space Read more

Here are some of the top ufo quotes that will help you marvel in the unknown.

When people stargazing, they stare at stars, and many other...
When people stargazing, they stare at stars, and many other things which they've already presumed commonly and universally as stars. Toba Beta
There is no UFO and also there is no alien,...
There is no UFO and also there is no alien, at least not in common mind nor reference. Toba Beta
Regarding alien beings and UFO sightings, They're less about 'where'...
Regarding alien beings and UFO sightings, They're less about 'where' or 'when' to find, more about 'how' or using 'what' to identify. Toba Beta
If you want to find wilier race by common sense,...
If you want to find wilier race by common sense, then you have just narrowed your searching area. Toba Beta
Don't you believe in flying saucers, they ask me? Don't you believe in telepathy? – in ancient astronauts? – in the Bermuda triangle? – in life after death? No, I reply. No, no, no, no, and again no. One person recently, goaded into desperation by the litany of unrelieved negation, burst out "Don't you believe in anything?" Yes", I said. "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be. . Isaac Asimov
To my way of thinking, there is every bit as much evidence for theexistence of UFOs as there is for the existence of God. Probably farmore. At least in the case of UFOs there have been countless tapedand filmed and, by the way, unexplained sightings from all over theworld, along with documented radar evidence seen by experiencedmilitary and civilian radar operators.>> George Carlin
The ufo is nothing more than an assertion of herself by the Goddess into history, saying to science and paternalistically governed and driven organizations: You have gone far enough. We are going to turn the world upside down. Your science is going to be shown up for what it is, nothing more than a pleasant metaphor usefully extrapolated into the production of toys for healthy children. That's what science is good for. It is not some meta-theory at whose feet every point of view from astrology to acupressure to channeling need be laid to have the hand of science announce thumbs up or thumbs down. Terence McKenna
We live in a world where extraterrestrials could be everywhere and you would never know. A world driven by god’s, unexplained structures, countless stories and extraterrestrial occurrences. There is proof that our planet has been and still continues to be visited by extraterrestrial life, but until we are able to capture and study them, the question will remain. Do Aliens Really Exist? Michael E Emmering
Not everyone can decode a dream! Dreamers are those abled...
Not everyone can decode a dream! Dreamers are those abled minds that can read the intent of the dream in terms of energy, frequency & vibration...! Vishwanath S J
The UFOs were nothing more than the collective fantasies of a stressed out society... The world into which UFOs had appeared was one of under-the-desk siren drills against nuclear annihilation. Society had made a new myth, a communal idea of something outside a species apparently intent on dooming itself. Thomm Quackenbush
Maybe [aliens] have been in our lives a lot longer than we want to admit. People have always seen strange things–elves and fairies–and now we don't. Now we see them, right? Thomm Quackenbush
If you want to be sure of unusual thing such as aliens or UFOs, then you have to think about it from an unusual way of thinking. Toba Beta
They were once fairies and elves. Now they are creatures from beyond the stars because you no longer believe in anything but humans. Thomm Quackenbush
Atheism is a lack of belief...what about the powers of darkness, and that of light, will you trace both to nothing? Then you must have created yourself. Michael Bassey Johnson
UFO is a joke when there ain't mystery in the sky. Toba Beta
Well, it is generally considered– though not always true– that the wife of a man so honoured is likely also to be worthy of the honour, and so it is accorded her. In the event it is false, and I have known that to be so in more than one circumstance , it is still accorded her in deference to her husband."~ Sherlock Holmes, with respect to aristocratic titles Stephanie Osborn
Hopis have lived in America longer than anyone. We wanted to explore the concept of Earthly visitation through the eyes of people who have also witnessed the rapid evolution of modern culture. For us, their beliefs ring true on so many levels. Hopi prophecy speaks to the destiny of man...in a universe where we are not alone. T.J. Wolf
I’m sorry, Bill, I thought you said something about aliens? Did you give up the menthols for marijuana? Or maybe they now have flavored joints as well? Daniel P. Douglas
Blacker than the night, the wedge penetrated the darkness. An F 117 raced by, the roar from its engines screaming through the interior of the chopper, and then it sliced away a piece of sky and disappeared into the void.- Narrator, Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project Daniel P. Douglas
The moon shines like a freshly unwrapped cheese ball at the holidays.”- William Harrison in Truth Insurrected: The Saint Mary Project Daniel P. Douglas
UFO.... MIB???UFO = MIB??! ?What now... please keep the silence! Deyth Banger
True, beneath the human façade, I was an interloper, an alien whose ship had crashed beyond hope of repair in the backwoods of Southern Appalachia–but at least I’d learned to walk and talk enough like the locals to be rejected as one of their own. Sol Luckman
There’s a fascinating frailty of the human mind that psychologists know all about, called “argument from ignorance.” This is how it goes. Remember what the “U” stands for in “UFO”? You see lights flashing in the sky. You’ve never seen anything like this before and don’t understand what it is. You say, “It’s a UFO! ” The “U” stands for “unidentified.”But then you say, “I don’t know what it is; it must be aliens from outer space, visiting from another planet.” The issue here is that if you don’t know what something is, your interpretation of it should stop immediately. You don’t then say it must be X or Y or Z. That’s argument from ignorance. It’s common. I’m not blaming anybody; it may relate to our burning need to manufacture answers because we feel uncomfortable about being steeped in ignorance. Neil Degrasse Tyson
The UFOs were explicable enough, just experimental aircrafts from the airport. Of course the government was not going to tell people what was actually going on. She would not be surprised if the government encouraged the UFO cultists to flock there as the perfect cover, since no one would ever believe them. Thomm Quackenbush
Were genuine aliens to find us… the chances were fairly good they would appear in a form beyond reckoning, shaped by the requirements of their environment. It was only for the convenience of the costume department of Star Trek that people believed in humanoid aliens. Thomm Quackenbush
I don't think I'm being harassed by little green stalkers. I don't know what's really going on, but I'd rather try to eliminate all rational excuses before blaming intergalactic monkeys from the fourth dimension who are somehow interested in this really boring town. Thomm Quackenbush
That these people are wandering around, looking for aliens to justify the emptiness inside them and let them feel special without effort, creeps me out. Thomm Quackenbush
I know for a fact the first UFOs reported in modern times, just before the crash at Roswell, were boomerang shaped and were reported as 'flying saucers' to describe the motion of their flight, like a saucer skipping over water. Yet immediately after, people saw and photographed saucer-shaped objects. Boomerang-shaped objects were rarely seen. Now people mostly report seeing large triangles instead of discs or boomerangs, because that is what they are told to expect to see. . Thomm Quackenbush
Wisdom of the Ages: Do the aliens on the moon pull down their pants and 'earth' their friends for fun? Matthew D. Heines
Sign this... and I'll show you A.J. Hartley
The trail of lime trees outside our building is still a public loo. …where else are they supposed to go to the toilet in a city where public toilets are about as common as UFO sightings?” (pp.281-82) Sarah Turnbull