4 Quotes About Spiderweb

Embrace yourself and everything will fall into place. This is wisdom from a spiderweb. Spiderwebs are the natural world’s most intricate structures, yet they are made up of nothing but simple, repetitive threads woven together to form an intricate web that looks beautiful and beautiful. This spiderweb quote is a metaphor for finding your inner beauty and your ability to create something beautiful.

If the shrike did not eat the grasshoppers, then the grasshoppers would eat all the grass, and there would be none left for the deer...and the deer are food for the tiger. Life in the jungle is a giant spiderweb; if you touch one strand, it will vibrate at the other end. We cannot separate nature into good and bad, Rita. The gods do not will it so. Eric Dinerstein
The greatest artist and web-designer ever is indeed a spider! Munia Khan
Nader refused to bring her the feathery dream catcher — her asabikeshiinh — with its willow-web and invisible ‘lady spider’ apparently weaving her spells — an object Bea insisted always hung above her in bed. Carla H. Krueger