34 Quotes About React

 Reactions are the best way to stay in the present instead of worrying about what may happen in the future.  These quotes about react will help you react in the moment and avoid regretting your choices later.  The best way to live in the present is to focus on what you can control and not let your mind drift elsewhere.  Reactions are powerful.

Knowledge leads towards different kind of societies then those societies don’t relate with each other because people in those societies think, act and reacts with their knowledge that create different ways of life and different recognitions of humans. Zaman Ali
The way you react in times of challenges will determine...
The way you react in times of challenges will determine whether your challenges will weigh you down, or you will overthrow them. Israelmore Ayivor
You cannot control what other people do, only how you...
You cannot control what other people do, only how you react to it. Jeffrey Fry
She knows her timing, always knows. The time to strike...
She knows her timing, always knows. The time to strike or the time to starve. Her eyes as a clock, she watches she waits she learns, and in the second she blinks, she changes her mind just like that. Anthony Liccione
Since we live in a world of appearances, people are judged by what they seem to be. If the mind can't read the predictable features, it reacts with alarm or aversion. Faces which don’t fit in the picture are socially banned. An ugly countenance, a hideous outlook can be considered as a crime and criminals must be inexorably discarded from society. ( "Ugly mug offense" ) Erik Pevernagie
You may not have the power to control whatever happens to you, but you have the power to stop it from affecting your sense of style. Israelmore Ayivor
Your potentials contain local elements that can react with your passion to produce global compounds for the solution of the world’s problems. Go and do it. Israelmore Ayivor
25. Whenever two human beings spend time together, sooner or later they will probably irritate one another. This is true of best friends, married couples, parents and children, or teachers and students. The question is: How do they respond when friction occurs? There are four basic ways they can react:- They can internalize the anger and send it downward into a memory bank that never forgets. This creates great pressure within and can even result in disease and other problems.- They can pout and be rude without discussing the issues. This further irritates the other person and leaves him or her to draw his or her own conclusions about what the problem may be.- They can blow up and try to hurt the other person. This causes the death of friendships, marriages, homes, and businesses.- Or they can talk to one another about their feelings, being very careful not to attack the dignity and worth of the other person. This approach often leads to permanent and healthy relationships. James C. Dobson
The level of your self-control is measured as the difference between how you act when you have nothing and how you react when you have everything. Israelmore Ayivor
When listening to the lightning storms in your area on a standard AM radio, you will hear a sound like bacon frying and this is the electromagnetic energy that the storm is generating. Plants react to this energy and may show vigorous growth during lightning seasons. Steven Magee
The way people behave is usually just a reflection of where they are in their journey of consciousness, what their own experiences thus far have been. We do not have to react to them, we can simply move to our own level of understanding. By observing others, we can also reflect upon our selves, and out own ways of being. Julia Woodman
You are afraid to lose, you don't react, you are afraid of the horror of something which can be brutal killings and such... You are prepared to a victim I can said from here! Deyth Banger
If you are present, then you can see that you give yourself presents in each moment that you can unwrap and thoroughly enjoy - the amazing world around us that we can explore, each incredible detail, the lives, and the stories we tell ourselves or experience so that we can feel what it's like to be human, the things we can learn from an interaction, about ourselves as well as everything and everyone else. Everyone is here in their own story, writing the script as they go, living the movie picture.. choosing who to meet, what to do, how to react to each new experience. We each find our own tools to help us traverse the terrain of each particular part of our journeys. It cannot be right to judge another, or yourself, for we are all at different stages, or on different stages. We do as we need to according to where and how we find ourselves, but the more you realise that you actually put yourself exactly where you are in each moment, the more your eyes will widen. You are an amazing Being playing the game of life - your attitude makes all the difference. . Jay Woodman
There's no difference between a madman and a professor...it should be clear to you in the way they dress, act and think. Michael Bassey Johnson
The ambiance of every environment in a country is the value system of the given nation. It is that culture that influences how citizens of a nation react, respond and behave among themselves in regards to politics, commerce, family and social life. Sunday Adelaja
React with how can I help you versus how can I hurt you. Ken Poirot
There were three people in my home and I was the only one showing Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and reactivity to the radio frequency transmitting utility meters. For these reasons I did not shield my home and took the route of adapting my body to the toxic electromagnetic environment. Steven Magee
Rain amplifies your mistakes, and water on the track can make your car handle unpredictably. When something unpredictable happens you have to react to it; if you’re reacting at speed, you’re reacting too late. And so you should be afraid. Garth Stein
How people treat you is not very important but how you react to it, is very important. Debasish Mridha
When you react, you let other control you. When you respond, you are in control. Bohdi Sanders
You are in control of your life, when you refuse to be provoke. Lailah Gifty Akita
I have never heard of an electromagnetically hypersensitive person recovering from the condition using shielding and Faraday cages, they just seem to become social lepers due to their increasing reactivity to the city environment and addicts to their shielded environment. Steven Magee
It's so nice to learn how people react to my words. Toba Beta
When we start to understand God, we will be offended less and we will react less to negative circumstances Sunday Adelaja
I don't ever react to a situation. My preference is to reflect upon the circumstances & act as if I were a baby who is in possession of a new toy to play with. Yogesh Datta D.
Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but how we react to what happens, not by what life brings us but the attitude we bring to life. Wade Boggs
In a way, a lot of my humor comes from presenting things that are dramatic or shocking and then people not having socially appropriate responses, having people denying the drama by failing to react to it, and that's a really classic form of humor. Chuck Palahniuk
There was nothing more I wanted to do than to see my dad react well to my music. I still do. I send him my demos all the time. Dan Reynolds
It's not the situation, but whether we react negative or respond positive to the situation that is important. Zig Ziglar
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Charles R. Swindoll
What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens. Ellen Glasgow
A doctor is not a mechanic. A car doesn't react with a mechanic, but a human being does. Randa Haines
When daughters react with annoyance or even anger at the smallest, seemingly innocent remarks, mothers get the feeling that talking to their daughters can be like walking on eggshells: they have to watch every word. Deborah Tannen