3 Quotes About Servility

Why do we see so many people who are so servile? Is it because servility is a social norm or is it something that should be changed? Why do some people feel the need to put others down in order to feel important? Why does it seem like everyone wants to be your friend, but no one wants to help you get anything done? In the end, if you’re going to work hard and achieve your goals, why would you want to make it easier for other people to get in the way of your success?

I think that knowledge enslaves us, that at the base of all knowledge there is a servility, the acceptation of a way of life wherein each moment has meaning only in relation to another or others that will follow it. Georges Bataille
He who in given cases consents to obey his fellows with servility, and who submits his will, and even his thoughts, to their control, how can he pretend that he wishes to be free? Alexis De Tocqueville