4 Quotes About Revisionist History

Revisionist history is a common argument used by racists who wish to deny the atrocities of white supremacy or deny the Holocaust. The standard argument goes something like this: European whites were not the “bad guys” in the past, nor are they today, so what happened to all those people who were killed by whites? The revisionists claim that these deaths are not really what they seem, but rather misplaced. If you still think that Europeans are worse than other races or that the Holocaust didn’t happen, then keep on reading! Just because some people believe one thing doesn’t make it true. If you truly believe in the truth of these quotes on revisionist history, then you should know what to say when someone suggests otherwise.

I have always believed there is great value in studying the flaws of mankind and men –even fictional characters. All of us are flawed. All of us are diminished by some form of prejudice and bias. If a fictional character is to be realistic, he must struggle with imperfections and weaknesses. K. Lee Lerner
A lie is no less a lie because it is a thousand years old. Your undivided church has liked nothing better than persecuting its own members, burning them and hacking them apart when they stood by their own conscience, slashing their bellies open and feeding their guts to dogs. Hilary Mantel
I know now that all people hunger for a noble, unsullied past, that as sure as the black nationalist dreams of a sublime Africa before the white man's corruption, so did Thomas Jefferson dream of an idyllic Britain before the Normans, so do all of us dream of some other time when things were so simple. I know now that that hunger is a retreat from the knotty present into myth and that what ultimately awaits those who retreat into fairy tales, who seek refuge in the mad pursuit to be made great again, in the image of greatness that never was, is tragedy. TaNehisi Coates