23 Quotes About From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death And Conscious Encounters With The Divine Presence

The Universe and life on Earth are made up of energy and matter. At its most basic level, this is what we can know about it: it consists of all the potentials for existence, and one part of the whole is you and me. But we cannot know whether we were created by some outside force or whether we came from within. We can only know that we came from within Read more

In fact, the whole Universe is a projection from within the human mind, or what many people call "the Divine Mind" or "God." We can say that God is a projection from within us. We are made of the same stuff as everything else in the Universe, a subtle substance called spirit, a kind of energy. This substance is not unlike water, but unlike water, spirit is invisible and can be perceived only by those who have developed certain abilities to do so.

It is the substance of life itself. It flows through our bodies as a vibration that connects us to everything else in the Universe - the All. Through the development of these abilities we can perceive spirit as light - as energy - as love - as joy - as peace - as joyous feelings - as ecstasy - as blissful feelings - as living in harmony with others - as being at one with all things in the Universe - as being a part of a larger whole - as being God...

Past and future is determined by what is now…right now! This is why the present is a gift Unknown
Hate wields no sustainable power Unknown
Happiness can't be made Unknown
All matters being spiritual Unknown
There is no way to counterfeit courage Unknown
Keep at it. Persistence does pay dividends. But there is a catch Unknown
Better to be blinded by love than hate Unknown
Do more than just exist Unknown
Life is a playground and a laboratory Unknown
Positively Inspired Man of Purpose Unknown
Improving the human condition takes little effort Unknown
I'm not cruisin' this opportunity in time and space for you to like or dislike my 'get-down' Unknown
Mother is her son's first god Unknown
Hopeful dreams - even where crack kings’ and dope fiends feast. Dust from the ash and rubble Unknown
Old habits for old people Unknown
Ego got you thinkin' you're workin' somebody to your advantage Unknown
If you smell fear - bite on it Unknown
Some blind faithfully Some See.
It's not enough to know pain Unknown
Ignorance is not bliss Unknown
Priorities are simple to establish Unknown
Drama don't arrive by surprise Unknown