26 Quotes About Parents

When you first had your children, you probably thought it would be the best thing that would ever happen to you. You were thrilled to have a new family member, one more to love and care for. You were sure that you’d never have to worry about them or miss them when they left your life. You were so excited at the possibilities of what the future held for them Read more

But as time goes on, you realize that being a parent is harder than you thought it would be, and not just because of the challenges of raising children. It’s also because of the little things…like dealing with tantrums over silly things, homework, chores, discipline problems, and more. From being too tired to do homework to feeling overwhelmed by all the responsibilities of being a parent, it’s easy to feel like giving up.

And sometimes, it feels like you just don’t have any good advice or words of wisdom to share with your kids about what they should expect from you during these moments at home. Luckily, there are plenty of great quotes for parents out there…we’ve put together a list of all the very best quotes about parenting out there today!

Let them learn at school whatever they learn to pass the examinations, but at home let the education that you provide be the kind that widens their perceptions and takes away the germs of prejudices that infect them while they are out in the world. Abhijit Naskar
Let your child see you doing a good deed instead...
Let your child see you doing a good deed instead of you telling him or her to do it, and the little child shall one day grow up to become a real kind human being. Abhijit Naskar
Love is the most precious gift in life. Be grateful for all the love and support you get from your parents, your family and friends. Because nothing is as precious as receiving true and devoted love" - Monsieur Jac Couture Lily Amis
Feed your child ideas of peace, harmony and compassion but at the same time give them courage to defend their identity and dignity. Abhijit Naskar
Sex is an open secret parents try to hide to their children Bangambiki Habyarimana
If you want to know about sex don't ask your parents. They don't have any and know nothing about it. Find out yourself Bangambiki Habyarimana
More than Captain America your kids need Amelia Earhart — more than Ant Man, they need Abraham Lincoln - more than Green Arrow they need Gandhi — more than Iron Man they need Isaac Newton. Abhijit Naskar
Force your kids to pursue success and they shall be drowned into the abyss of characterlessness, but let them pursue excellence and they shall rise as glorious Gods. Abhijit Naskar
Human making is our mission, but if you break the very soul of the would-be humans, then there will be no human to raise. Abhijit Naskar
Let your children nourish their knack, for that knack shall one day provide them with the way to live with dignity and contentment. Abhijit Naskar
Let your child be the torch of truth and they shall shine over the entirety of the human society brightening even the darkest corners. Abhijit Naskar
There is nothing glorious about creating life out of passionate penetration. Even the animals can do that. The real glory comes when the life you create becomes the help in the lives of countless other humans. Abhijit Naskar
Do not raise creepy crawlers my dear braveheart parents. Raise mighty humans with Himalayan strength in their veins. Give them the voice that has gone extinct in today’s society. And if there is only one thing you could give to your children, then give them courage — courage to pursue their passion — courage to trample every obstacle in their path — courage to keep walking even when their heart bleeds in agony. . Abhijit Naskar
As one attains the age of 18 having fully acquired the basic education, one becomes responsible for whatever decision he makes, whatever opinion he chooses to accept and whatever style of life he chooses to live. Above age 18, the waywardness of a child depends on the child. OMOSOHWOFA CASEY
A child of God, special possession. Lailah Gifty Akita
Children who have faith have distinctly different characteristics from those who don't. In fact, one of the main manifestations of a person with strong faith is the ability to give–not just in terms of money or possessions, but also time, love, and encouragement. Stormie Omartian
Parent should never forget the great excitement they felt for the birth of a new born into the world. Lailah Gifty Akita
Human making is our mission. Abhijit Naskar
When we raise our children to Shine, the future becomes brighter! Brigette Foresman
My parents and grandparents did not tolerate idle thoughts or behavior. If the action did not have a purpose or lead you in a positive direction, their feeling was “why bother?” This is how I was built. This is why I refuse to fail. Carlos Wallace
If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about yourmistakes, learn from them. Charles J. Sykes
My parents are humans too. This has been one of my greatest awakenings in adulthood: my parents being regular people, too. They have baggage and losses, grown up in imperfect homes with imperfect families just as I did. Life hasn’t been easy on either of them between the mixture of poor decisions and bad breaks; this world lacks perfection for us all. Natalie Brenner
Some parents whenever their children have an independent thought they wrap them up in warm ignorance and send them to bed Rassool Jibraeel Snyman
Once upon a time, there was a generation of parents who were certain that Elvis Presley's unashamed hip-swivellingvwas most certainly the end of society. Charlie Caruso
But she knew it would never happen. She had no intention of visiting him there. Even if she were open to the idea, as Mom and Dad both hoped she would be, the mathematics of it seemed utterly impossible to her. What was she supposed to do, spend Christmas there and Easter here? See her dad every other holiday and one week during the summer, just enough to glimpse his new life in fragments, tiny slivers of a world she had no part in? And all the while missing out on those moments of her mom’s life–her mom, who’d done nothing to deserve to spend Christmas alone? That, it seemed to Hadley, was no way to live. Perhaps if there were more time, or if time were more malleable; if she could be both places at once, live parallel lives; or, simpler yet, if Dad would just come home. Because as far as she was concerned, there was no in-between: She wanted all or nothing, illogically, irrationally, even though something inside of her knew that nothing would be too hard, and all was impossible. Jennifer E. Smith