4 Quotes About Miranda Right

Most people have a dream they want to fulfill. Many people have a dream to travel the world. We all have those dreams. However, those dreams can seem very far away when you’re just starting out Read more

There are many ways to help you achieve your dreams, and one of those ways is by reading inspirational quotes about travel and adventure. This article is full of great quotes about travel that will help you make the decision to start traveling and see the world beyond your local neighborhood. We hope these quotes inspire you to take that first step and see what the world has to offer!

Sometimes a people lose their right to remain silent when...
Sometimes a people lose their right to remain silent when pressured to remain silent. Criss Jami
Miranda Writes: Anything you say or do may be used for or against you within a story by a writer Jazz Feylynn
Do you know where you were on Thursday evening at about eight o'clock last week, and who you were with, and what you were doing? Are you absolutely certain beyond any shadow of a doubt? Would you bet your life on it? If there is any possibility–no matter how slim or remote–that you could possibly be mistaken about such a thing, you are the kind of person who should never agree to talk to the police under just about any circumstances for as long as you live. And that includes practically everybody. James Duane