24 Quotes About Values And Belief

So you’ve got the whole world’s love, but you still feel alone. You don’t need it because you’ve got me. The world is not big enough to hold both of us. But I know what to do, I can give it all up to you, no one will ever love you like me Read more

I’ve learned that there are some things that money can’t buy. Like the things that money can buy, like someone who will be there for you when you need them. They’ll be there for you through thick and thin, and when the time comes they won’t let you down… Love quotes can be powerful and inspiring.

It doesn’t matter if we know these quotes and their meanings by heart or if we don’t — they will help remind us of what we already know: Love is a gift we should cherish and protect at all costs.

Your Core Values are the
Your Core Values are the "glue" that holds your business together. Doris P. Johnson
Your business values can make you soar above the competition.
Your business values can make you soar above the competition. Doris PerdueJohnson
Diversity is an aspect of human existence that cannot be eradicated by terrorism or war or self-consuming hatred. It can only be conquered by recognizing and claiming the wealth of values it represents for all. Aberjhani
One of the strange things about human beings is that...
One of the strange things about human beings is that they value only that which has a price. Nepoleon Hill
I dont know what sort of world she will live in and I have no fixed opinions concerning how she should live in it. I only know that if she does not come to value what is true above what is useful it will make little difference whether she lives at all. Cormac McCarthy
Value supported family and friends. Lailah Gifty Akita
Life is travelled at a pace one decides for themselves Chandra Sekhar
I believe in the ability to choose. I believe this life is made up of our choices and their consequences– the good and the bad. I do not believe in letting anything up to fate. We are the makers of our own destinies, our own futures, our own paths. To blindly follow is an insult to the miracle of being human. To be human is to make choices; the moment you allow others to make decisions for you is the moment you do an injustice to not only mankind but to yourself. Kelseyleigh Reber
Learning means bringing forth the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual knowledge, skills and values, that are already within us. Our learning starts as soon as we are born. Kasi Kaye Iliopoulos
Your governing values should be important enough to you that you will invest your time, resources, and energy in making them a fundamental part of your life. Hyrum W. Smith
I have learned its the most difficult thing to become financially free from earning the minimum wage. So even if employees increase the minimum wage its the same thing. But once employees improve on their skills and personal value their wages go up and then financial freedom is posible. Derric Yuh Ndim
A highly developed values system is like a compass. It serves as a guide to point you in the right direction when you are lost. Idowu Koyenikan
I find it very sad that by the time corporate science realizes the value of nature, that it may be too late Steven Magee
If the world will attain its utmost peace and stability;and contentions be limited, then the ideology, philosophy and mentality of people in the world should be shifted from the more you acquire the more valuable you are to the more you give the more important you are and with the mentality that giving is a sacred responsibility and not a competition Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
May our lives and gentle spirit be evident to all that we are members of God's family. Lailah Gifty Akita
As we go through life, we essentially grow a personality. Our personality branches out in many directions to assist us organize our thoughts, feelings, values, ideas, and coping mechanisms. Our exhibited behavior — the way we organize and deal with life — becomes an external representation of our central self. Kilroy J. Oldster
Values are the definition of our actions in life Armin Houman
Know your value, accept nothing but the best. Lailah Gifty Akita
Time is much more valuable than money. Lailah Gifty Akita
When a leader replaces the value of selfless service with selfish ambition they have officially regressed back into a boss. Noel DeJesus
We can’t expect others to abandon their values any more than we would forsake our own. Frank Sonnenberg
I’ve always felt a person’s worth is equal to how much of themselves they willingly invest into something they know no one else sees value in. Rebecca Timberlake
Like beliefs, in most cases, we don’t create our values… others do. Maddy Malhotra