10 Quotes About Mental Strength

If you're looking for some positive mental strength quotes to keep you motivated, these will do the trick. While it's true that we can't always control what happens to us in life, what we can do is control our reactions. Persist in the face of adversity and remember there are always options. These mental strength quotes will help you stay positive when life doesn't go as planned.

We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that...
We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
One way or another we are all biased, but still we have the modern cortical capacity to choose whether or not to let the harmful biases dictate our behavior. Abhijit Naskar
The human brain always concocts biases to aid in the construction of a coherent mental life, exclusively suitable for an individual’s personal needs. Abhijit Naskar
The problem with having problems is that ‘someone’ always has it worse. Tiffany Madison
The ability to continue moving when you are feeling scared, fearful or lazy is the sign of true mental strength. Matthew Donnelly
The strength of your mind determines the quality of your life. Unknown
At the end of your struggles, challenges, and obstacles comes the mental strength to cross many boundaries in the future. Unknown
You don't earn respect by trying to be like everyone else. You have to be your true positive self and consistently hold your ground before people would start to respect the mental strength and originality in you. Unknown
Attitude is 100% under your control — (yours to choose, use or lose, as they say) Happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction in a life ALWAYS and ONLY come as a consequence of some other activity. That is you don’t just create ‘happy’ or ‘satisfied’ — you have to be doing something with your life that as a byproduct creates these states. That’s it. Told you it was simple. Alright, I admit, writing about how to create a ‘successful life’ is easy — because to create something out of your life is 99.9% Mental Focus and 50% ( as Yogi Berra would say and. 01% for those of you who are paying attention) -knowing how to get the result and doing it. Writing about it is easy; it’s the doing that’s hard. Martin Gover