34 Quotes & Sayings By Eknath Easwaran

Eknath Easwaran (1916-2015), born in India, is known as "the Bhagavad Gita of the West." He is the author of many books, including The Blue Book and The Wisdom of Eknath Easwaran. His teachings emphasize meditation, loving-kindness, and self-awareness.

Judged by the normal standards of human affairs, the lives...
Judged by the normal standards of human affairs, the lives of men and women of God may look overburdened with suffering, and even inconclusive. Eknath Easwaran
It is a very difficult secret to understand that when we do not want to possess another selfishly, he or she will always love us. It is when we do not want to possess, when we do not make demand after demand, that the relationship will last. Eknath Easwaran
You occasionally hear it said that spiritual aspirants should drop everything and set off for the woods, or go to India and wander about on the slopes of the Himalayas. But only through daily contact with people--not trees or brooks or deer--can we train ourselves to be selfless in personal relationships. Eknath Easwaran
As meditation deepens, compulsions, cravings, and fits of emotions begin to lose their power to dictate our behavior. We see clearly that choices are possible: we can say yes, or we can say no.... "All we are is the result of what we have thought." By changing our mode of thinking, we can remake ourselves completely. Eknath Easwaran
As long as we lean on anything outside ourselves for support, we are going to be insecure. Most of us try to find support by leaning on all sorts of things - gold, books, learning, sensory stimulation - and if these things are taken away, we fall over. To the extent that we are dependent on these external supports, we grow weaker and more liable to upsets and misfortune. Eknath Easwaran
Good books are rare, and to have a really good library, a few shelves are all we need. When I was still on my campus in India, I was convinced, like many professors, that if the Lord was to be found anywhere, it was in the lower stacks of the library. But now - just as when I go into a big department store, I can say, "How many things I don't need! How many expensive suits I don't want! " - when I enter a big library I say, "What tomes I don't have to read again! What folios I will never open! " This feeling of freedom will come to all of us when we realise, in the depths of our meditation, that all wisdom lies within. Eknath Easwaran
We can all avoid travel that is unnecessary we do...
We can all avoid travel that is unnecessary we do not need to travel around the world when the source of all joy and all beauty is right within us. Eknath Easwaran
If someone who is agitated comes to visit you, wanting to discuss their agitation and weigh the pros and cons of what action he should take, my suggestion is to give him the mantram album and say, "why don't you just write Rama, Rama, Rama a thousand times? Eknath Easwaran
Peace would always be less compelling than war. Perhaps that...
Peace would always be less compelling than war. Perhaps that was why there was so little of it in the world. (p. 160) Eknath Easwaran
But when we train the senses we conserve our vital energy, the very stuff of life. Patient and secure within, we do not have to look to externals for satisfaction. No matter what happens outside--whether events are for or against us, however people behave towards us, whether we get what pleases us or do not--we are in no way dependent. Then it is that we can give freely to others; then it is that we can love. . Eknath Easwaran
To be secure everywhere is the mark of sophistication. To be unshakeable is the mark of courage. To be permanently in love with every person is the mark of masculinity or femininity. To forgive is the mark of strength. To govern our senses and passions is the mark of freedom. Eknath Easwaran
I have tremendous respect for anyone who can control his...
I have tremendous respect for anyone who can control his palate enough to learn not only to drink beer but to enjoy it too. Eknath Easwaran
When Nureyev appeared in San Francisco not long ago there were quite a few ballet fans who flew all the way from New York to see him. The mystics would point out how fruitless it is to go to see important people when our first priority is to see ourselves. We think we know Tom, Dick and Harry, but we really know everyone, including ourselves, only on the surface level. If we could see our real Self coming down the street, we would wonder who this beautiful, radiant, magnificent creature could be. We would not be able to take our eyes off him. Eknath Easwaran
Make wise choices about what you read. Read only what is necessary or worthwhile. And then take the time to read carefully. One book read with concentration and reflected upon is worth a hundred flashed through without any absorption at all. Eknath Easwaran
The mind is powerful, but it needs something to hold on to so it doesn't wander. Eknath Easwaran
Meditation is the basis of a life of splendid health, untiring energy, unfailing love, and abiding wisdom. It is the very foundation of that deep inner peace for which every one of us longs. No human being can ever be satisfied by money or success or prestige or anything else the world can offer. What we are really searching for is not something that satisfies us temporarily, but a permanent state of joy. . Eknath Easwaran
Children naturally ask all kinds of questions and take a long time to tell their stories, and in millions of homes the parents are doing something else as they reply, “Yes, yes, I see.” And in millions of homes, the parents are surprised when their children don’t listen to them. Those little bright eyes know when your attention is wandering. When they are telling you the news from school, give your full attention. Everything else can be set aside for the moment. You are teaching your children to listen to you. Eknath Easwaran
Anything that tends to make us elated is inevitably going to throw us into depression. Eknath Easwaran
A mind that is fast is sick. A mind that is slow is sound. A mind that is still is divine. Eknath Easwaran
The goal of meditation is awareness, not relaxation. Eknath Easwaran
Lovers of God possess intense concentration. In prayer their attention rivets itself so completely onto God that nothing can tear it away. Even a suggestion of the divine may draw them into a higher state of consciousness. Occasionally this can be somewhat inconvenient. Sri Ramakrishna once went to see a religious drama produced by his disciple. The curtain went up and a character started singing the praises of the Lord. Sri Ramakrishna immediately began to enter the supreme state of consciousness. The stage faded; the actors and actresses faded. As only a great mystic can, he uttered a protest: "I come here, Lord, to see a play staged by my disciple, and you send me into ecstasy. I won't let it happen! " And he started saying over and over, "Money.. money..money, " so as to keep some awareness of the temporal world. Eknath Easwaran
Attention can be trained very naturally, with affection, just as you train a puppy. When something distracts your attention, you say “Come back” and bring it back again. With a lot of training, you can teach your mind to come running back to you when you call, just like a friendly pup. Eknath Easwaran
One learns a good deal in the school of suffering. I wonder what would have happened to me if I had had an easy life, and had not had the privilege of tasting the joys of jail and all it means." ~ Badsha Khan, quote in Nonviolent Soldier of Islam, p. 87 Eknath Easwaran
Those who indulge themselves in sense stimulation throughout their lives often end up exhausted, with an enfeebled will and little capacity to love others. Eknath Easwaran
Two forces pervade human life, the Gita says: the upward thrust of evolution and the downward pull of our evolutionary past. Eknath Easwaran
To love, we need to be sensitive to those around us, which is impossible if we are racing through life engrossed in all the things we need to do before sunset. In fact, I would go to the extent of saying that a person who is always late will find it difficult to love; he will be in too much of a hurry. Eknath Easwaran
When people used to complain to the Buddha that they were upset, telling him, "Our children upset us; our partner agitates us, " his simple reply would be, "You are not upset because of your children or your partner; you are upset because you are upsettable. Eknath Easwaran
Patience is an unfailing remedy for friction in personal relations. Even if a person has never won a beauty contest, has no money in the bank, can't even change a flat tire, if he or she has inexhaustible patience, then we will find that life with such a person will never grow stale. Eknath Easwaran
Wherever people gather for selfless ends, there is a vast augmentation of their individual capacities. Something wonderful, something momentous happens. An irresistible force begins to move, which, though we may not see it, is going to change our world. Eknath Easwaran
The law of karma says that no matter what context I find myself in, it is neither my parents, nor my science teacher, nor the mailman, but I alone who have brought myself into this state because of my past actions. Instead of trapping me in a fatalistic snare, this gives me freedom. Because I alone have brought myself into my present condition, I myself, by working hard and striving earnestly, can reach the supreme state which is nirvana. Eknath Easwaran
A mind that is racing over worries about the future or recycling resentments from the past is ill equipped to handle the challenges of the moment. By slowing down, we can train the mind to focus completely in the present. Then we will find that we can function well whatever the difficulties. That is what it means to be stress-proof: not avoiding stress but being at our best under pressure, calm, cool, and creative in the midst of the storm. . Eknath Easwaran
Fasting may not be as easy as feasting, but after a while it is not too different. Both are extremes. It is not hard to go the extreme way, but what is really difficult is neither to fast nor to feast, but to be moderate in everything we do. Eknath Easwaran
Patience can't be acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it. Eknath Easwaran