4 Quotes About Gray Area

The gray area is that place in the middle of black and white where gray is the rule. It’s that point between right and wrong where you need to make a decision. It’s the space between getting what you want to not getting what you want. The gray area can be tricky because it contains many possibilities Read more

How do you navigate this place, where every choice has consequences? The answers lie within these gray-area quotes, showing you how to stay true to who you are while still making good choices.

In a relationship, prudent application of the gray theory is a key ingredient in assuring years of happiness; “till death do us part”. Balance is at the center of success, satisfaction and a lifetime of love. Carlos Wallace
I have witnessed how the power of listening, storytelling and embracing gray areas breaks through the rigid 'us vs. them. Aspen Baker
We're the gray area, angel. We're the pieces of the puzzle they don't know what to do with, the pieces that don't quite fit into their perfect little picture, so they choose to discard us, to keep their image untainted, but we can only be ignored for so long. Because eventually, whether they want to admit it or not, all of their black and white will bleed together anyway. J.m. Darhower