87 Quotes About Business Management Training

In addition to the single-minded pursuit of the dollar, many entrepreneurs feel an innate calling to help others. And that desire can be a winning combination, as it can have a strong influence on a business’ success. But helping others isn’t always easy, and there are some hard lessons to learn along the way. So let these business-management-training quotes be your guide as you decide how to best go about helping others.

Transforming the complex to the simple is pure genius.
Transforming the complex to the simple is pure genius. Doris P. Johnson
Your mission or purpose is like a magnet that keeps...
Your mission or purpose is like a magnet that keeps you moving is a well established direction Doris P. Johnson
Your Core Values are the
Your Core Values are the "glue" that holds your business together. Doris P. Johnson
The best way to determine the Values you will enforce...
The best way to determine the Values you will enforce in your business is to clarify your personal values. Doris P. Johnson
Your business values can make you soar above the competition.
Your business values can make you soar above the competition. Doris PerdueJohnson
Formal business situations are likely to be the least revealing...
Formal business situations are likely to be the least revealing because these are the times when all of us are most likely to have our ‘game faces' on. Abhishek Ratna
When you work on something that only has the capacity...
When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work — the most you will make is 5 dollars. Idowu Koyenikan
A great sense of commitment builds a hardworking spirit.
A great sense of commitment builds a hardworking spirit. Wayne Chirisa
Subliminal influence, is the constant drive to the change in...
Subliminal influence, is the constant drive to the change in consumer choices. Wayne Chirisa
A mindset that understands order, is a mindset that can...
A mindset that understands order, is a mindset that can understand leadership. Wayne Chirisa
Fifteen years ago, a business manager from the United States came to Plum Village to visit me. His conscience was troubled because he was the head of a firm that designed atomic bombs. I listened as he expressed his concerns. I knew if I advised him to quit his job, another person would only replace him. If he were to quit, he might help himself, but he would not help his company, society, or country. I urged him to remain the director of his firm, to bring mindfulness into his daily work, and to use his position to communicate his concerns and doubts about the production of atomic bombs. In the Sutra on Happiness, the Buddha says it is great fortune to have an occupation that allows us to be happy, to help others, and to generate compassion and understanding in this world. Those in the helping professions have occupations that give them this wonderful opportunity. Yet many social workers, physicians, and therapists work in a way that does not cultivate their compassion, instead doing their job only to earn money. If the bomb designer practises and does his work with mindfulness, his job can still nourish his compassion and in some way allow him to help others. He can still influence his government and fellow citizens by bringing greater awareness to the situation. He can give the whole nation an opportunity to question the necessity of bomb production. Many people who are wealthy, powerful, and important in business, politics, and entertainment are not happy. They are seeking empty things - wealth, fame, power, sex - and in the process they are destroying themselves and those around them. In Plum Village, we have organised retreats for businesspeople. We see that they have many problems and suffer just as others do, sometimes even more. We see that their wealth allows them to live in comfortable conditions, yet they still suffer a great deal. Some businesspeople, even those who have persuaded themselves that their work is very important, feel empty in their occupation. They provide employment to many people in their factories, newspapers, insurance firms, and supermarket chains, yet their financial success is an empty happiness because it is not motivated by understanding or compassion. Caught up in their small world of profit and loss, they are unaware of the suffering and poverty in the world. When we are not int ouch with this larger reality, we will lack the compassion we need to nourish and guide us to happiness. Once you begin to realise your interconnectedness with others, your interbeing, you begin to see how your actions affect you and all other life. You begin to question your way of living, to look with new eyes at the quality of your relationships and the way you work. You begin to see, 'I have to earn a living, yes, but I want to earn a living mindfully. I want to try to select a vocation not harmful to others and to the natural world, one that does not misuse resources.' Entire companies can also adopt this way of thinking. Companies have the right to pursue economic growth, but not at the expense of other life. They should respect the life and integrity of people, animals, plants and minerals. Do not invest your time or money in companies that deprive others of their lives, that operate in a way that exploits people or animals, and destroys nature. Businesspeople who visit Plum Village often find that getting in touch with the suffering of others and cultivating understanding brings them happiness. They practise like Anathapindika, a successful businessman who lived at the time of the Buddha, who with the practise of mindfulness throughout his life did everything he could to help the poor and sick people in his homeland. Thich Nhat Hanh
Market rewards you as per your perception. Vijay Kedia
A bull doesn’t go wrong in predicting an upswing in a falling market. He goes wrong when he predicts a down swing in a rising market. Vijay Kedia
There Are No Secrets of Success, It Is The Result of Preparation, Hard Work And Learning From Failures... Axay D. Bhisikar
If you don't appreciate your customers, someone else will. Jason Langella
Competition may help us create better products and services but in the end competition really seeks to destroy the opponent. To put him out of the power to compete against you. Bangambiki Habyarimana
A business plan is like a war plan, when you competitors know about it, it's no longer of any use Bangambiki Habyarimana
When you think there is nothing left to improve on, your business dies, for there is no shortage of innovators Bangambiki Habyarimana
Successful business is always almost dishonest Bangambiki Habyarimana
A man who wants to imitate the life of a woman will invariably do some mischief Bangambiki Habyarimana
Conquer your customer as you would a woman Bangambiki Habyarimana
You have to work on the business first before it works for you. Idowu Koyenikan
The minute you stop caring about your business, is the same minute your business stops caring about you. Unknown
...while extraordinary products and unique services still afford a competitive advantage, the one advantage that stands the test of time...is people. Mark Salsbury
The least important person in a business is the most important person in a business. Jennifer HoDougatz
The code-of-ethics playlist:o Treat your colleagues, family, and friends with respect, dignity, fairness, and courtesy.o Pride yourself in the diversity of your experience and know that you have a lot to offer.o Commit to creating and supporting a world that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.o Have balance in your life and help others to do the same.o Invest in yourself, achieve ongoing enhancement of your skills, and continually upgrade your abilities.o Be approachable, listen carefully, and look people directly in the eyes when speaking.o Be involved, know what is expected from you, and let others know what is expected from them.o Recognize and acknowledge achievement.o Celebrate, relive, and communicate your successes on an ongoing basis. Lorii Myers
You are a manager nonetheless who you are. There is a business worth keeping and you are the manager of that business. Yes, the business of your life. There is a big asset worth managing. Yes, your choices. As a manager of your own life, your choices are your assets. They form the pivot for the doom or boom of the business of your life. Some will be great managers and others will collapse the business of their lives by their choices or stay in mediocrity with the business of their lives. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Starting a business is easy, succeeding is a different story." Model Me VIP® Steven Cuoco
Leaders are never measured by their success but rather by the success of those they've been entrusted to lead. Therefore, a leader can never be considered successful until those they lead are successful. Greg Cagle
Brands that will survive and thrive from now on are those with C-level executives that understand the incredible opportunity new media offers them and commit to excellence in managing their social media presence. Unknown
The first step out of the gate has to be knowing where you want to end up. What do you really want from your company? Stan Slap
The first step to solving any problem is to accept one’s own accountability for creating it. Stan Slap
Being relevant to your customers only when you’re trying to sell something means choosing to be irrelevant to them for the rest of the time. Stan Slap
There will be plenty of other problems in the future. This is as good a time as any to get ahead of them. Stan Slap
The economy is in ruins! Bottom line? Good management will defeat a bad economy. Stan Slap
Your company is its own competition and can deliver itself debilitating blows the competition only dreams of. Stan Slap
Instead of waiting for a leader you can believe in, try this: Become a leader you can believe in. Stan Slap
The purpose of leadership is to change the world around you in the name of your values, so you can live those values more fully. Stan Slap
Profitability. Growth. Quality. Exceeding customer expectations. These are not examples of values. These are examples of corporate strategies being sold to you as values. Stan Slap
When you’re a manager, you work for your company. When you’re a leader, your company works for you. Stan Slap
Work/life balance is not about escaping work. It’s about living exactly the way you want to when you’re at work. Stan Slap
What first separates a leader from a normal human being? A leader knows who they are as a human being. Stan Slap
True leaders live their values everywhere, not just in the workplace. Stan Slap
The worst thing in your own development as a leader is not to do it wrong. It’s to do it for the wrong reasons. Stan Slap
When rewards come from an external source instead of an internal source, they’re unreliable, which means they’re dangerous if you grow to depend on them. Stan Slap
Human behavior is only unpredictable and dangerous if you don’t start from humanity in the first place. Stan Slap
Imagine a world where what you say synchs up, not sinks down. Stan Slap
Why live my personal values at work? This is an excellent question to ask. If your attorneys are planning an insanity defense. Stan Slap
Here’s what you need to know most about leadership: Lead your own life first. The only thing in this world that will dependably happen from the top down is the digging of your grave. Stan Slap
The myth of management is that your personal values are irrelevant or inappropriate at work. Stan Slap
It’s impossible for a company to get what it wants most if managers have to make a choice between their own values and company priorities. Stan Slap
Try not to take this the wrong way, but your brain is smarter than you are. Stan Slap
A manager’s emotional commitment is the ultimate trigger for their discretionary effort, worth more than financial, intellectual & physical commitment combined. Stan Slap
You can stuff yourself with emotional fulfillment until it’s dribbling down your chin & your ego will quickly chomp it down and demand more. Stan Slap
Your dreams and the dreams of your company may be different, but they are in no way incompatible. Stan Slap
Providing the ultimate solution to work/life balance: not escaping from work but living the way you want to at work. Stan Slap
Your company really has to work for you before you’ll really work for your company. Stan Slap
What companies want most from their managers is what they most stop their managers from giving. What managers want most from their jobs is what they most stop themselves from getting. Stan Slap
Most managers have plenty of emotional commitment to give to their jobs. If they can be convinced it’s safe and sensible to give it. Stan Slap
What managers want most from companies they stop themselves from getting. What companies want most from managers they stop them from giving. Stan Slap
This is your one and only precious life. Somebody’s going to decide how it’s going to be lived and that person had better be you. Stan Slap
A manager’s emotional commitment is worth more than their financial, intellectual and physical commitment combined. Stan Slap
Emotional commitment is a personal choice. Managers understand this even if their companies don’t. Stan Slap
Emotional commitment means unchecked, unvarnished devotion to the company and its success; any legendary organizational performance is the result of emotionally committed managers. Stan Slap
The company may have captured their minds, their bodies and their pockets, but that doesn’t mean it’s captured their hearts. Stan Slap
Values are deeply held personal beliefs that form your own priority code for living. Stan Slap
Success means: I want to know the work I do means something to somebody and helps make the world, if not a Better place, not a worse one. Stan Slap
Your values are your essence: an undistorted mirror showing you at your pure, attractive best. Stan Slap
Careful now: even a financially rewarding, intellectually stimulating work environment isn’t the same as living your own values. Stan Slap
Values are the individual biases that allow you to decide which actions are true for you alone. Stan Slap
Success for Managers means: I want to be in healthy relationships. I want a real connection with people I spend so much time with. Stan Slap
Let’s get right on top of the bottom line: You must live your personal values at work. Stan Slap
Any expert will tell you that if you want emotionally committed relationships then people must be allowed to be true to who they are. Stan Slap
When you’re not on your own agenda, you’re prey to the agenda of others. Stan Slap
Leadership creates performance in people because it impacts willingness; it’s a matter of modeling, inspiring, and reinforcing. Stan Slap
Management controls performance in people because it impacts skills; it’s a matter of monitoring, analyzing and directing. Stan Slap
To integrate one’s experiences around a coherent and enduring sense of self lies at the core of creating a user’s guide to life. Stan Slap
Leaders are people who know exactly who they are. They know exactly where they want to go. They’re hell-bent on getting there. Stan Slap
Leaders make a lot of mistakes but they admit those mistakes to themselves and change because of them. Stan Slap
Managers know what they want most: to be allowed to achieve success by leveraging who they are, not by compromising it. Stan Slap
The high quality of a company’s customer experience rarely has anything to do with the high price of their product. Stan Slap
Companies should be the best possible place to practice fulfillment, to live out values and to realize deep connectivity and purpose. Stan Slap
The heart of a company’s performance is hardwired to the hearts of its managers. Stan Slap
Do you think your people struggle with being true to themselves? Do their values match up with their work? Stan Slap
Hard-core results come from igniting the massive power of emotional commitment. Are your people committed? Stan Slap
When you don’t know what true for you, everyone else has unusual influence. Stan Slap