4 Quotes About Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci is a famous mathematician who lived in present-day Italy in the 13th century, where he created many important mathematical discoveries. Most of his work has to do with the study of Hindu-Arabic numeral system, but he is also known for the Fibonacci sequence (aka Fibonacci numbers). The Fibonacci sequence is common to many plants, animals, and even humans; it is found in the growth patterns of pine trees, rabbits, and lizards. The Fibonacci sequence is often used to describe growth processes like germination and maturation of plants.

The Fibonacci Sequence turns out to be the key to understanding how nature designs... and is... a part of the same ubiquitous music of the spheres that builds harmony into atoms, molecules, crystals, shells, suns and galaxies and makes the Universe sing. Guy Murchie
Buckminster Fuller explained to me once that because our world is constructed from geometric relations like the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci Series, by thinking about geometry all the time, you could organize and harmonize your life with the structure of the world. Einar Thorsteinn
It is shown that the golden ratio plays a prominent role in the dimensions of all objects which exhibit five-fold symmetry. It is also showed that among the irrational numbers, the golden ratio is the most irrational and, as a result, has unique applications in number theory, search algorithms, the minimization of functions, network theory, the atomic structure of certain materials and the growth of biological organisms. Richard A. Dunlap