100 Quotes About Communication

Communication is a skill that can be developed. Here are the best communication quotes to help you become better at it. Whether you’re having trouble expressing yourself or simply need a little help listening, these communication quotes will inspire you to improve your skills.

When we aren't curious in conversations we judge, tell, blame and even shame, often without even knowing it, which leads to conflict." -The Power Of Curiosity: How To Have Real Conversations That Create Collaboration, Innovation and Understanding Kirsten Siggins
Use two-way communication on oral exams to check the students'...
Use two-way communication on oral exams to check the students' knowledge, not their attitudes. Checking attitudes can lead to the slippery area of subjective assessment. Eraldo Banovac
To truly love ourselves, we must challenge our beliefs that...
To truly love ourselves, we must challenge our beliefs that we need to be different or better. Sharon Salzberg
Maybe what we really need is to change our relationship...
Maybe what we really need is to change our relationship to what is, to see who we are with the strength of a generous spirit & a wise heart. Sharon Salzberg
We may talk lightly but never carelessly. We keep at...
We may talk lightly but never carelessly. We keep at bay the flow of common, ignorant thought which runs its damaging course through the pathways of ordinary human conversation. Donna Goddard
If we love someone deeply, be they friends, family or lovers, don’t treat the relationship like a playground game of back and forth or tit for tat. See it as a loving connection and let that be the basis of it all. Lauren Klarfeld
Be cheerful ten times as much as you complain. Communicate and listen more than you are silent with others. In other words, put on a happy face and be positive in your life. You only have one life to live. Phil Mitchell
Communication is not using beautiful and complex words to impress, but its all about expressing our truest emotions using simple words! Ramana Pemmaraju
Fascinated by the great symbols of the collective history, I use them as an alphabet to communicate. Nuno Roque
If we all work together there is no telling how we can change the world through the impact of promoting positivity online. Germany Kent
When we are able to offer to the other something of ourselves that can engage, nourish or sustain spirit then we most fully speak. Likewise, the forest is a bit more beautiful. The light finds its way in; reaching out to the ground guiding us to a heavenly place. Ishan Khatri
Passive aggressive behavior is counter productive. Communication is key to a healthy personal and work relationship. Izey Victoria Odiase
Good decisions can turn into disasters when communicated poorly. Dianna Booher
Desire. Enthusiasm. Purpose. Pleasure. Delight. Peace. Power. However you define passion, it is at the heart of your motivation. Susan C. Young
Feeling passion fuels your spirit and feeds your joy. Susan C. Young
Passion is a catalyst for action and provides you with the emotional stamina to stick with it, regardless of the obstacles. Susan C. Young
Every day should have threads of passionate pursuits within it. Susan C. Young
Think of the times in your life when you have been deeply passionate about something. Whether it is for your family, a cause, a person, an adventure, a hobby, a career, a love for music, or even going to the beach–your passion for it helps you tap into your unique personal power to live and love your life out loud. Susan C. Young
What turns you on, tunes you in, and lights your fire? Susan C. Young
When passion is lit, the fire permeates your being with the positive expectation that all is well and everything will turn out great. Susan C. Young
To be truly satisfied that your life is well-lived, the object of your passion is something you feel you must be, do, or have. What lights your fire? Susan C. Young
Passion is not just about the object of your focus or desires–it is the compelling emotion, fulfillment, and intense enthusiasm that it engenders. Susan C. Young
Are you impressed when you meet people who are filled with passion and conviction? Their energy is contagious and can make us all want “some of what they’re having! Susan C. Young
When a person exudes passion, it is evident that they love what they are doing. Their passion projects an aura of confidence and decisiveness. Susan C. Young
Sharing your passion with others will not only enlighten them to your dedication and commitment, it can enable you to garner their participation, collaboration, cooperation, and endorsement. Susan C. Young
When we are deeply passionate about something, the obstacles or challenges are diminished by sheer will and desire. Susan C. Young
When you want something badly enough, it does not matter whether it is going to be easy. The passion will push you forward. Susan C. Young
When people are not passionate about their goals, everything is more of a struggle. Susan C. Young
Passion is the fire that gets us moving and keeps us motivated regardless of what roadblocks impede the way. Susan C. Young
When your passion is aligned with your purpose, you are unstoppable! It is in that zone of high octane congruence that you are turned on and "cooking with gas. Susan C. Young
Passionate people are great about discovering what lights their fire and going for it. They might be encouraged by others who share their passion, but they don’t rely on others to tell them what they need to do or how they need to do it. Susan C. Young
Men most often know what they want, yet they are not always sure how they feel. Women most often know how they feel, yet they may not always know what they want. Ken Poirot
A fight is like the perfect storm. It is risky and dangerous. But, as the African proverb goes, Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. Fights are often learning opportunities–if we’re willing to dig deep enough past our own egos. Lauren Klarfeld
When you take the high road to living a virtuous life, you are fortified by knowing that regardless of what life throws your way or what storms may rage, you are grounded in goodness. In this, you secure not only your own integrity, but you secure it in the eyes others. Susan C. Young
Think of the people whom you love, like, trust, and admire. Isn’t their integrity the golden thread which elevates them to a higher standard in your eyes and in your heart? Susan C. Young
1. “Being able to depend on a person’s integrity lays a solid foundation for a relationship built on trust, both in business and in life. Susan C. Young
7. “When a foundation is built following sound structural principles, with solid, high-quality materials, anything that is layered on top is more secure, durable, and resilient. Your integrity works the same way. Susan C. Young
When a foundation is built following sound structural principles, with solid, high-quality materials, anything that is layered on top is more secure, durable, and resilient. Your integrity works the same way. Susan C. Young
As with construction, your personal integrity is the firm foundation upon which you can build a strong character, rewarding life, and healthy relationships. Susan C. Young
Through change and challenge, if our personal foundations are built with quality virtues of character and integrity, we are more resilient, healthy, and ultimately more impressive. Susan C. Young
Throughout the history of mankind, the virtues embraced by humanity have remained true, unwavering, and consistent. Susan C. Young
While many may claim that these virtues are old-fashioned, they are essential materials for building a solid and worthwhile foundation for your life that will never go out of style. Susan C. Young
Our modern-day society is often so consumed with external appearances that living a virtuous life may sound boring and dull. However, the love and beauty that lies deep within the human spirit resonates with plain and simple goodness. Susan C. Young
Integrity, once tarnished, or broken, is hard to recover. Susan C. Young
While having a strong character foundation may not sell newspapers, increase TV ratings, or make a person famous, it's essential for building a life that is meaningful and matters. Susan C. Young
Have you ever known a person who was highly intelligent, yet their lack of character destroyed your impression of them? Even though they may have been accomplished, articulate, and knowledgeable, their words became impotent and irrelevant. Susan C. Young
Making money and being prosperous is a wonderful place to be, but not at the expense of your ethics, integrity, and reputation. It is simply not worth it. It nixes any chance of creating trusted working relationships. Susan C. Young
Authentic people are instantly more likable and trustworthy, which makes building rapport with them a pleasure. Susan C. Young
We crave real people and are delighted when we find them. Susan C. Young
Own your truths–all of them. Be honest. Be genuine. Be straightforward. Be refreshing! Susan C. Young
Allow your natural personality to shine through without pretending to be someone you're not, or you may be stuck with that label forever. Susan C. Young
Walking in alignment with your integrity will help you stay on the right track. Susan C. Young
There is a reason that the words natural, wholesome, and organic resonate throughout our culture today. Aim to be natural and truly who you are one-hundred percent of the time. Susan C. Young
We've all met people who are beautiful on the outside, however, when they open their mouths to speak, they have nothing of substance to contribute. Susan C. Young
Sometimes we meet folks who appear rather plain, yet when they speak from a heart of service, love, compassion, and wisdom, they instantly become respected favorites. Susan C. Young
Authenticity is the litmus test for the honesty, transparency, and trust which are necessary for healthy relationships. Susan C. Young
Authenticity respects the ebb and flow between positive and negative. The people who really know you will understand that you are not always going to be in a happy place and an occasional bad mood is acceptable. Susan C. Young
By authentically sharing when things aren’t right you allow the people you care about to offer the support you may need. Susan C. Young
Living in alignment with your true self enables you to cultivate transparency and unshakable authenticity. Susan C. Young
Admittedly, there will be times when you must interact on a superficial level and adjust your behavior to fit in, go along and get along. Susan C. Young
Not everyone is always going to like you. What impresses one person may turn another away. To thine own self be true. Susan C. Young
Interestingly, being yourself allows others to be themselves. Even with crazy imperfections, being a bona fide genuine person is the best any of us can be–messy flaws and all! Susan C. Young
Authentic people are so comfortable in their own skins they make us more comfortable in our own. Susan C. Young
She is so secure in her beautifully imperfect self that she would welcome you with open arms, no judgment, and complete acceptance. Susan C. Young
Do you generally feel uncomfortable around people whom you perceive to be perfect? Is there really such a thing as the perfect person? Of course not! Our flaws are often what differentiates us from each other, and no person is perfect. Susan C. Young
I am a recovering perfectionist, and like all in recovery, I do better some days than others! Susan C. Young
Authenticity isn’t just about saying “this is who I am”–it is also about being flexible enough to recognize and appreciate the uniqueness in others–honoring the mutual respect for being authentic and true. Susan C. Young
Why did I think that the mask was a better portrayal than my authentic self? We can get hidden under layers of illusion, can’t we? Susan C. Young
As a young girl, I allowed my self-esteem to be determined by others’ opinions, and I devoted incredible energy tuning into how everyone else felt. Susan C. Young
As a lifetime people pleaser, I remember trying to mold myself into the person I thought other people wanted me to be–all for the sake of being liked and accepted. It caused more pain than gain. Susan C. Young
Do you really want people to like you for something that you’re not? It takes a lot of energy to pretend to be someone else for the sake of pleasing others. Susan C. Young
The challenge of being authentic for people pleasers is that we really want people to like and accept us. Being vulnerable, however, requires that we come to terms with the fact that not everyone is going to like us, and that it is okay. Not everyone needs to like us. Susan C. Young
Integrity is a most valued human quality. Susan C. Young
Your integrity is your personal code of honor and has the power to build your reputation or destroy it, establish credibility or crumble it–in one swift move. Susan C. Young
Your personal integrity, defined as being honest and having strong moral principles, communicates whether (or not) you can be trusted. Susan C. Young
Life’s most amazing moments between people are built on trust, communication, acceptance, and love. Susan C. Young
The days of the pushy salesmen and self-serving narcissists are over. That type of behavior quickly alienates and pushes people away because it offends and can’t be trusted. Susan C. Young
People must believe that you are real and are who you say you are, otherwise they will not want to do business with you, much less make the effort to move forward in starting and building a relationship. Susan C. Young
When I meet someone who is truly genuine, I am drawn to their personality and find them easier to approach, engage, and interact with. They have no hint of false pretense, nor do I worry about hidden agendas. Susan C. Young
If you don't know the answer to a question, don't guess, don't speculate, don't hypothesize, don't make a joke it by email, tweet, conference call, or at a press conference... Somehow, eventually, the electronic communication surrounding a situation will be made public and clarify and clarify what actually transpired. Kent Alan Robinson
Communication is the key and saying your words with kindness is the way to go. Pamela Cummins
Passion gives you direction. It serves as an inner compass that links you to action. Susan C. Young
When you choose a career that is aligned with your passion, the work becomes irrelevant because anticipation and fulfillment can outweigh everything. Susan C. Young
When employees lack passion, it is nearly impossible to deliver excellent customer service. Doesn’t it make you less inclined to want to do business with them as well? Susan C. Young
When an employee, a team, or a company is passionate about their products and services, I am more inclined to bring them my business. Aren’t you? Susan C. Young
It can't be taught to all, but people who deliver exceptional work, merely by relaying their passion through what they say and do in the workplace, are priceless. Susan C. Young
When employees are motivated and love what they do you will see higher productivity, less turnover, healthier communication, increased loyalty, and a happier environment. Susan C. Young
Put the right people in the right positions to ensure their personal strengths and talents are being utilized and appreciated. Susan C. Young
If you want to improve performance and productivity, set a vision that inspires and delights. Susan C. Young
I simply needed to excavate passion lost by being resilient, resolving the blockages, and healing. As soon as I did, the passion, and joy, burst forth. Susan C. Young
Think about the things in life that elicit passion in you and make you happy. Susan C. Young
Do you have a dream or desire that is burning a hole in your soul? Something that lights your fire and brings you simple pleasure? Susan C. Young
Passion is at the heart of your motivation. Let it fuel your spirit and feed your joy. It is your catalyst for courageous pursuits–and it will provide you the stamina to stick with it. Susan C. Young
Love is one of our most profound emotions and enduring qualities for living a life that matters. Susan C. Young
We all want, above all, to be heard. We want to be understood–heard for what we think we are saying, for what we know we meant. Deborah Tannen
When people communicate deceit, it's called politics. When people communicate honesty, it's called art. Gerard De Marigny
When we aren't curious in conversations we judge, tell, blame and even shame, often without even knowing it, which leads to conflict. Kirsten Siggins
If we are with someone out of choice, we should act accordingly, and choose to communicate rather than deteriorate. Lauren Klarfeld
In the event of a communication breakdown, decide whether you will dwell in the negative or rise above the angst and turmoil in a firm, positive manner and encourage all parties to listen and be heard. Lorii Myers
There is no one-size-fits-all in communication–everyone’s interpretation of what what you say and how you say it is different. Terry A ONeal