8 Quotes About Career Change

A change of scenery can be a great thing, if you’re looking for the right kind. If you’re new to a field or industry, it can be scary. You might feel like you don’t know enough about the field or how it works to get ahead, but fear not! These career-change quotes will help get you up to speed on what’s involved in changing careers. Before making any big decisions, see if these quotes will help you get on the right path to success!

The time to build your future is in your teenage...
The time to build your future is in your teenage years and your 20s, but equally, in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. Lukasz Laniecki
Your education is important because with only a few words you can show an employer the depth of your potential. Unknown
Sometimes the one thing you need for growth is the one thing you are afraid to do. Shannon L. Alder
Throw away the rule book and create your own. Sandra Bellamy
No one creates a perfect resume on their first try. Writing a perfect resume is a messy process, but the easiest way to start is by simply getting in the right mindset and putting pen to paper. Unknown
Each job requires a conscious choice of career path, and a different plan of development. Auliq Ice
Make sure you work at a place which gives you opportunities to learn, travel, explore, interact with intellectuals and new work skills. Abhishek Ratna