13 Quotes About Detail

Life is all about the little things. And the truth is, they make up the majority of our daily lives. Whether we’re talking about mundane things like paying bills or paying attention to small details like a package we forgot on the table, we live in a world that is filled with little things. It can be easy to overlook them and ignore them until we actually need them Read more

However, these overlooked details can cause some major problems if we’re not careful. These overlooked quotes about details will help you make better use of your time and focus on the little things that matter.

Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget....
Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget. Don't forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth. Paula Danziger
GOD in not just in the details, He is the...
GOD in not just in the details, He is the detail. TemitOpe Ibrahim
When we stop noticing small things, we are no longer truly alive. Neel Burton
There is a part of everything which is unexplored, because we are accustomed to using our eyes only in association with the memory of what people before us have thought of the thing we are looking at. Even the smallest thing has something in it which is unknown. Guy De Maupassant
To successfully create illusion, the first thing you need is trust, but to perfect an illusion, the false reality most appear as authentic as the one it hides. Careful attention must be paid to every detail. The slightest of imperfections can, like a pin to a balloon, burst the illusion .. . and the truth behind the illusion becomes revealed. Emily Thorne
We think in generalities, but we live in detail. To make the past live, we must perceive it in detail in addition to thinking of it in generalities. Alfred North Whitehead
The more power you use--the more detailed the observation of your specimen. The more power you have, the narrower your field of vision. Exactly, you say. The more power you have, my friends, the less you see of the whole. Rosemary Nixon
The devil was always in the detail. And here the detail was certainly devilish. Sara Sheridan
We lie to ourselves about the smallest details, and we lie to ourselves about our largest life choices. Cortney S. Warren
After all, I was dressed in linen and so retained a certain capacity for nonchalance. Joanna Ruocco
Watch every detail that affects the accuracy of your work. Arthur C. Nielsen
Exhortations to obstruct the operations of Government in detail, should; Exhortations to resist all. James Mill