11 Quotes About Boredom

It’s not unusual to experience boredom once in a while. We all get bored, even when we’re doing something we love. Boredom is a normal part of life that people deal with on a daily basis. Boredom has a negative connotation that makes it appear as though it is something to be avoided at all costs, but this couldn’t be further from the truth Read more

Boredom is a natural part of life, and embracing it as such can make life more interesting and interesting. In this collection of quotes about boredom, you’ll find some helpful tips on how to deal with boredom in your life.

Be VERY careful of who or what you entertain when you’re bored. Boredom can get you caught up in some foul stuff. Trust! Stephanie Lahart
Boredom is a positive attitude's enemy. Lindsey Rietzsch
Boredom is the Devil's delight. Lindsey Rietzsch
Boredom and ineffective attempts to escape tedium are the perpetual lot of humankind. Kilroy J. Oldster
Rain's pouring and it's too cold. All people bored and I even accord What to do but spell a tale told: So once upon a time a land in the shore... Ana Claudia Antunes
Getting bored pertains only to the stupid people in this planet of wonders! For the clever, even the simplest things of life - like sunrise or sunset - are a great source of entertainment! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Time is quixotic because it can torment us. When we have insufficient stimulus to fill our lives, we resent the relentless quality of time, and we engage in activities designed to “kill time.” Time that passes slowly creates insufferable boredom; time that passes to quickly makes us aware of our accelerated death march. A person’s perspective on time depends mostly on what they are most afraid of, boredom or death. Kilroy J. Oldster
Boredom is a flight from what is important. Like workaholism and perfectionism, it is a way of distracting yourself from inner experiences. It occurs when you look outward and do not find anything to engage your attention. Instead of feeling your emotions - becoming aware of the functioning of your energy system - you become bored. Boredom .. is a flight from your higher potential. It is fear of the transformation that wants to occur, and will occur in you, when you explore your emotions. It is your resistance to spiritual growth. Gary Zukav
Boredom — the psychological state that we experience whenever we are uninterested in what we are currently doing — is one of the defining traits of humanity. Time is the psychological nemesis of humankind. Tedium, a fundamental angst of humankind, arises from human beings’ ability to perceive time and our attempts to derive meaning from our personal existence. Kilroy J. Oldster
Make a plan & Use the time when you're thinking about "what to do when your bored Rabin Mahmud