64 Quotes & Sayings By Lindsey Rietzsch

Lindsey Rietzsch is the founder of the author website, Voices of Success. As an author, she has written over 60 books for teens and adults, including the best-selling books "The Power Within" series. She has also written several nonfiction books on family life, parenting, and Christian living. Her book, "A Woman's Place" was optioned for a major motion picture, "The Valentine Sisters." She has worked as a radio personality on various radio stations in the Tampa Bay area Read more

If you want something bad enough, then do something about...
If you want something bad enough, then do something about it! Lindsey Rietzsch
Don't be in a hurry to achieve your dreams. Take...
Don't be in a hurry to achieve your dreams. Take a day to play with your kids and relax - your dreams will still be there tomorrow. Lindsey Rietzsch
Sometimes when we get so caught up in our dreams we get tunnel vision. It becomes about "me, me, me, " and we fail to see those around us who need our help. When this happens we can expect to experience obstacles or as I like to call them, "gentle reminders" that we are not the center of the universe. When we are not using our talents and strengths to bless others, how can we expect the Lord to bless us?. Lindsey Rietzsch
When you find a way to incorporate your goals and...
When you find a way to incorporate your goals and dreams with what you enjoy most, then you have found success! Lindsey Rietzsch
Having a positive attitude gives you the power to uplift, the power to create change, the power to motivate, the power to inspire, the power to influence, the power to cultivate happiness, and the list goes on. Lindsey Rietzsch
The world has enough deceit, decay, and despair; be different. Lindsey Rietzsch
Sometimes we are tested with a great idea or opportunity just to see if we will act upon it, however the timing may not be right. We are being prepared for something else down the road... When we understand that all things happen for our benefit and we trust in the Lord, then we can accept what we have termed as "failures" knowing that in the end it will all work out and we will be happy. Lindsey Rietzsch
When we are at peace within our marriage, the effects can be astounding! We will raise happier children, become better employees, and overall find the joy in life. Lindsey Rietzsch
Live each day as if it could be the last day that you spend with your husband or wife. Lindsey Rietzsch
As spouses, we play a big role in the development of each other's self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. An entire personality can be destroyed and a marriage ripped apart over the course of just months. It's important that husbands and wives take this subject seriously and learn to build each other up through the simple concepts of dating. It's critical that the older we get, the younger we feel. As the years pass, our attitudes towards each other and our relationships should become more positive and our lives more meaningful. Lindsey Rietzsch
Marriage can and should be the greatest thing that happens to you in this life, along with having children. We need to make the most of it and work to make it that great experience we dreamed about when we were young. Lindsey Rietzsch
The way you date(treat) your spouse, truly has an impact inside and outside of your marriage. Lindsey Rietzsch
Ask any successfully married couple what keeps their relationship alive and they will tell you, "interest." It's as simple as that. Lindsey Rietzsch
The more interest you show in your spouse, the more interest your spouse will show in you. Lindsey Rietzsch
In this changing world around us we can't help but change. Change is what makes our relationships so interesting! without it there wouldn't be anything new happening in our lives. Your job as an equal in your relationship is to look for change in your spouse and embrace it. When you show a devoted interest in every talent, hobby, desire, passion or goal that your spouse tosses on the table, you are telling your spouse that he/she is important to you. The favor will be returned tenfold. Life will become more interesting! . Lindsey Rietzsch
Forget about trying to "fix" your spouse's flaws. Instead, focus your attention on aspects and characteristics that you enjoy most. Lindsey Rietzsch
Now, I don't smile because I have a perfect life or even because I'm having a perfect day - I smile because that's how I choose to deal with whatever life throws my way. Lindsey Rietzsch
Putting 100% effort into "trying" will always make you successful. With that in mind it's important to remember that the effort part is never easy. Lindsey Rietzsch
Do we need to wait until the next life to experience true happiness? Of course not; we can experience it now. By making that choice to be happy and optimistic, we can have a little bit of Heaven on Earth. Lindsey Rietzsch
Hope is what keeps us hanging on when we feel our rope wearing out. A positive attitude is often the natural result of maintaining that hope. Lindsey Rietzsch
If you want to know whether or not you have had a successful life, think about what people would say about you at your own funeral. Lindsey Rietzsch
If you don't believe in yourself, who will? Lindsey Rietzsch
To fail at trying is worse than to fail after trying. If we never try, then we never learn. Lindsey Rietzsch
It's vital to our survival to be positive. Lindsey Rietzsch
If you have friends and family who love you unconditionally - you truly have everything! Lindsey Rietzsch
Having a positive attitude gives you power. This isn't the same kind of power that dictators and warlords seek after, but rather a spiritual power. It's a power that comes to us from God. Lindsey Rietzsch
Something important I have learned is patience, and turning each failure into a learning experience..Instead of calling them "failures" I call them "lessons". Instead of saying, "I failed at that, " I say, "I learned from that." Each failure has taught me something incredibly valuable and by recognizing this I can see the hand of God in my life in situations where most people would feel abandoned by Him. Lindsey Rietzsch
There is good all around us, but we get so used to it that we forget to celebrate it. The bad and unfortunate circumstances in our lives do not deserve all of our attention and energy. Remember to look for the good and to give that your full time and attention. It makes all the difference. Lindsey Rietzsch
When we are blinded by our frustration and devastation we become oblivious to the life preserver floating inches away from us. If we take a minute to think positive, utilize our faith, and become proactive, we are able to think rationally and clearly. We then will recognize the life preserver which will keep us afloat and help us get to our destination. Lindsey Rietzsch
Forget about what you might have lost but instead focus on what you have room to gain. Lindsey Rietzsch
Boredom is a positive attitude's enemy. Lindsey Rietzsch
Boredom is the Devil's delight. Lindsey Rietzsch
All too often we fail to see the good in a difficult situation. Our minds are wired in such a funny way that we tend to believe just because a door closed it must be a bad thing. Lindsey Rietzsch
If we never experienced the the valuable lessons from failure, then we would never truly appreciate the pure joy of our success. Lindsey Rietzsch
What kind of legacy will you leave behind? What will your children and your children's children say about you? How will you be remembered? Will your life and decisions have inspired others to do better? Life is too short to postpone it - choose to be positive today. Lindsey Rietzsch
A closed door really is an open door in disguise. Lindsey Rietzsch
Staying true to who you are is essential to anyone's success. Lindsey Rietzsch
You don't have to be successful on a grand scale like winning a talent competition or writing a New York Times bestseller - if you have enough small things that you can be successful at then eventually they outshine all your failures. Lindsey Rietzsch
I would rather be known as someone who tried and failed, than someone who never tried at all. Lindsey Rietzsch
Confidence comes from within. You teach people how to perceive you, by your own example of how you perceive yourself. If you believe in yourself that confidence shines through and others will believe in you too. Lindsey Rietzsch
When its no longer just about you and the sake of succeeding just to succeed, you will see miracles happen! Lindsey Rietzsch
To quit is to fail - as long as you are still in the game you are succeeding! Lindsey Rietzsch
In order for us to grow we have to get our feet wet. If God put all the answers in front of us, we would never learn. We need to dig a little deeper, reach a little further, think a little harder, run a little faster, and surprisingly when we utilize our capabilities and push our limits, we begin to grow in leaps and bounds. Lindsey Rietzsch
Who doesn't enjoy a little gardening? As we plant the seeds and remove the weeds we reap a wonderful harvest of blessings. What are the weeds? Anyone or anything that sucks the nutrients from the seeds we have planted. The seeds are our goals, desires, good thoughts and feelings. good works and deeds anything that uplifts us. If we don't keep up on our weeding then our garden will die. Lindsey Rietzsch
Failure only happens when you lose your willpower to continue trying... If we let the obstacles get the best of us then it was our choice to fail, not fate. Lindsey Rietzsch
As for your failures - stop calling them failures. Refer to them as "experiences". That's all they really are - just experiences. Lindsey Rietzsch
If we fail to learn from our trials and errors then we truly fail. Lindsey Rietzsch
Once a person has declared "failure", they cease to look for the alternate open door. When in reality it was just inches away and wide open. Lindsey Rietzsch
The Lord knows all - His timing and reasoning is perfect. If we really trust Him, then we no longer see our failures as a bad thing. We will see them as an answer to our prayers even if we don't understand how in the moment. Lindsey Rietzsch
Satan wants you to believe that you don't have a choice in the matter. You can't be happy until things go the way that you want them to. Once you have the perfect marriage, your finances under control, a better job, or a nicer home - then you'll be happy. LIES, LIES, LIES. You will never be happy until you make the decision to do so. Lindsey Rietzsch
I am a firm believer that when a person makes mistakes or fails to see the bigger picture, God will remove opportunities from before them. Lindsey Rietzsch
Though I am a lot of things, most importantly I am human. Lindsey Rietzsch
If we let all the negative roadblocks influence us then it's only a matter of time before we end up detoured, lost, or possibly stranded on the side of the highway. Our positive attitude keeps our battery powered and our gas tank full, so that we can make it in one piece to our destination. Lindsey Rietzsch
When righteous desires back up your motivation, you'll find that your inner gas tank will always have fuel to spare. Brick walls cannot stand in your way, detours cannot get you off track, and road construction will not make you turn around and head back. Your strength will surprise you, and whatever it is that your heart desires will eventually be accomplished. Lindsey Rietzsch
Remember, every obstacle is also an opportunity. Lindsey Rietzsch
The things you say, the things you don't say, the things you do, or the things you don't do are always sending a loud message to those around you. What kind of a message are you sending? Is it a true reflection of who you are? Lindsey Rietzsch
Think about people in your own life who you have envied for one reason or another. It may surprise you to know that they do not see themselves the way that you do. Maybe they are all smiles on the outside but have personal struggles and trials that you would never guess from first glance. Lindsey Rietzsch
Don't assume that God will bless you with what you desire just because He knows your thoughts. You must ask for these blessings and act. Lindsey Rietzsch
What God wants for us is always what's best for us - we just need to trust Him. Lindsey Rietzsch
As a society, let's all strive to make "old fashioned" the "new fashion". Husbands make it clear to your wives that you are on a mission to become her knight in shining armor. Lindsey Rietzsch
(Answers to life) - You don't have to have it all figured out by a certain age or time in your life. It will come in bits and pieces along the way. Lindsey Rietzsch
It's not about what you accomplish - it's about what you take away from your experiences and how you handle them. Lindsey Rietzsch
Marriage is the most sacred union in which much respect is given in society to those who treat it as such. Lindsey Rietzsch