5 Quotes About Automatic Writing

For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces, and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others.” The Guardian Linden Morningstar
I know if I died tonight, I would die a happy man at peace with myself knowing Gloria’s story would finally be told–a mysterious and astonishing story that defies the timeworn precepts of modern psychology and psychiatry–where insanity, genius, the metaphysical, and the mystery of life come together to beguile and confound our contemporary understanding of the mind and its limitless powers to heal. Dr. Adam Jaxon . Linden Morningstar
Something strange happens about dreams that Gloria has — the real world seems to get mixed up into the dreams and the dreams seem all the more real — with part of your mind you’re aware of what’s going on around you, but part of your mind is drifting and things start to get mixed up. What I’m trying to say is that the human mind has developed a safety valve and dreaming is really the unconscious mind (me in this case) clearing up the debris it has otherwise been unable to cope with on the conscious level — if this is so, then tonight’s dreams became like “a horror show” in which Gloria and I were literally imprisoned.” Gloria’s Helper . Linden Morningstar
I can’t consider you a thief or a likely candidate for prison or a nervous breakdown Gloria. I sense a real strength in you more strength than you know is there — you’ve got internal reserves that ability to cope and to keep coping. Now remember don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’ll help.” Pyramid Lady Linden Morningstar