Quotes From "Reboot Your Life: A 12Day Program For Ending Stress Realizing Your Goals And Being More Productive" By Paul Gibbons

Be the author, not the reader, of your own life. Paul Gibbons
As life progresses, baggage can accumulate. For a while, things can be swept under the rug, but the wait of unfinished business eventually catches up. Paul Gibbons
The storm through which you sail, called life, has no calm eye. There never is a “right time” for your big dreams. You never will, by magic, get an extra twenty hours a week when you can do that thing that you have always wanted to do. Start now! Paul Gibbons
A vision inspires, aligns, and directs. it says to other people, "here is what I am up to, come and play in my sandbox! Paul Gibbons
A life is a terrible thing to waste. Reach your potential. Thrive. Paul Gibbons
Feeling entitled is the opposite of feeling grateful. Gratitude opens the heart, entitlement closes it. Paul Gibbons