Quotes From "Perceptions From The Photon Frequency: The Ascended Version" By Ka Chinery

In a world of knowledge and expertise, fame and fortune,...
In a world of knowledge and expertise, fame and fortune, status and ranks....nothing has the power to affect change as much as love and compassion. Ka Chinery
In a world of illusion, art is the soul shining...
In a world of illusion, art is the soul shining through with the light of infinite potential. Ka Chinery
Inspiration fans the flame of creation. Ka Chinery
The voice of the Soul can be heard within the silence of the unaffected mind. Listen. Ka Chinery
Light can only be understood with the wisdom of darkness. Ka Chinery
The deterioration of individual thought has resulted in a morbidly dependent society that has lost its sense of personal responsibility and accountability. Society has devolved into a state of thoughtless stagnancy, accepting the tyrannical laws and deleterious social structures without question or reason. This is the downfall of the human race, and the roadblock to Divinity. Ka Chinery
In the end, the only thing that really matters is how we treated all living things. Ka Chinery
See the Divinity in others and you will find it within yourself. Ka Chinery
Through the many years of what I thought was 'searching', was really the process of 'awakening'. Ka Chinery
Love is an energy to which we all must tune it. There is no greater power Source. Ka Chinery
Learn to see past the flaws and you will understand the perfection of the Universe. Ka Chinery
All of the answers you seek can be found in the macrocosmic view of the microcosmic You. Ka Chinery
You are either a carrier or a barrier of love. Ka Chinery
True beauty can only be found in the true Self. Ka Chinery