100 Quotes About Accountability

We all make mistakes. But with the best of intentions, these mistakes can lead to regret, confusion, and heartache. It’s okay to mess up, but learn from your mistakes by looking back on them in the past. These accountability quotes will help you avoid them in the future.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path. Unknown
If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck...
If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly. Steve Maraboli
The right thing to do and the hard thing to...
The right thing to do and the hard thing to do are usually the same. Steve Maraboli
When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated. This is why we sometimes attack who they are, which is far more hurtful than addressing a behavior or a choice. Unknown
Never compromise your values.
Never compromise your values. Steve Maraboli
You don't have to worry about burning bridges, if you're...
You don't have to worry about burning bridges, if you're building your own Kerry E. Wagner
We have to endure the discordance between imagination and fact....
We have to endure the discordance between imagination and fact. It is better to say, “I am suffering, ” than to say, “This landscape is ugly. Simone Weil
There is just one true God (I AM), and He is the giver of life! We have just one lifetime chance to live life! Let us therefore devote our one lifetime to His service, in truth and in spirit, loving Him fully with our lips, mind and heart, no matter what, with all necessary humility, courage and true understanding, knowing that regardless who we are, as we live or when death ends our journey of life, we remain accountable to the giver of life! . Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When people say
When people say "If I only knew then what I know now" makes me wonder why they aren't using that wisdom now. Rob Liano
From faith, ’ replied Emral Lanear, ‘do we not seek guidance?’ ‘Guidance, or the organized assembly and reification of all the prejudices you collectively hold dear?’ ‘You would not speak to us! ’ ‘I grew to fear the power of words — their power, and their powerlessness. No matter how profound or perceptive, no matter how deafening their truth, they are helpless to defend themselves. I could have given you a list. I could have stated, in the simplest terms, that this is how I want you to behave, and this must be the nature of your belief, and your service, and your sacrifice. But how long, I wonder, before that list twisted in interpretation? How long before deviation yielded condemnation, torture, death?’ She slowly leaned forward. ‘How long, before my simple rules to a proper life become a call to war? To the slaughter of unbelievers? How long, Emral Lanear, before you begin killing in my name?’ ‘Then what do you want of us?’ Lanear demanded. ‘You could have stopped thinking like children who need to be told what’s right and what’s wrong. You damned well know what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s pretty simple, really. It’s all about harm. It’s about hurting, and not just physical, either. You want a statement for your faith in me? You wish me to offer you the words you claim to need, the rules by which you are to live your lives? Very well, but I should warn you, every deity worthy of worship will offer you the same prescription. Here it is, then. Don’t hurt other people. In fact, don’t hurt anything capable of suffering. Don’t hurt the world you live in, either, or its myriad creatures. If gods and goddesses are to have any purpose at all, let us be the ones you must face for the crimes of your life. Let us be the answer to every unfeeling, callous, cruel act you committed, every hateful word you uttered, and every spiteful wound you delivered.’ ‘At last! ’ cried Emral Lanear. ‘You didn’t need me for that rule. . Steven Erikson
Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge… is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding. Bill Bullard
If people in the position of power are not made...
If people in the position of power are not made to be accountable, then, ungodliness, injustice and oppression will continue to be the order of the day in the society. Sunday Adelaja
Some of the most polished ideas are discovered through healthy, honest debate, so if you don't argue with yourself every once in a while, other people will gladly point out if, in any sense, you missed a spot. Criss Jami
If you think someone or something other than yourself is...
If you think someone or something other than yourself is responsible for your happiness or success, I'd guess you're not that happy or successful. Rob Liano
Always know that you are being held accountable for your actions, by your friends, family, coworkers, and most importantly, by God. Lead by example and build a team of successful people around you. By being the dependable person, success is naturally attracted to you. Farshad Asl
People who can't be questioned often end up doing questionable...
People who can't be questioned often end up doing questionable things. Jon Acuff
Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you...
Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. Les Brown
Anytime that cannot be accounted for is a wasted time.
Anytime that cannot be accounted for is a wasted time. Sunday Adelaja
The problem with ID, of course, is that it leaves open the possibility that the intelligence behind nature may have a moral interest in us, having communicated already with humanity in the past, and might try to boss you around in your private af David Klinghoffer
Until now, human organization could only be based upon something negative which could not be conquered: SCARCITY, and something false: PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.. No wonder instead of producing stability, it produced the exact opposite. The current human organization based upon dealing with the consequences of scarcity and being considered responsible for our individual characteristics which we could never have chosen (our nature, our nurture, our “soul”, and all the choices they engender), will always lead to an irrational, hence unstable human organization causing perpetual conflicts, which is no organization at all. Today, we have the luxury to initiate a rational self-organization based upon two positives: -our HUMAN CONSENSUS; our common desires shared by all, and -the SCIENTIFIC PROJECT to achieve them. . Haroutioun Bochnakian
Take your beliefs into your everyday life. Practice what you...
Take your beliefs into your everyday life. Practice what you preach. Self-observe. Correct. Try. Keep trying. Never give up. Akiroq Brost
Do they desire to join me in thanksgiving when they hear how, by your gift, I have come close to you, and do they pray for me when they hear how I am held back by my own weight?. .A brotherly mind will love in me what you teach to be lovable, and will regret in me what you teach to be regrettable. This is a mark of a Christian brother's mind, not an outsider's--not that of 'the sons of aliens whose mouth speaks vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of iniquity' (Ps. 143:7 f.). A brotherly person rejoices on my account when he approves me, but when he disapproves, he is loving me. To such people I will reveal myself. They will take heart from my good traits, and sigh with sadness at my bad ones. My good points are instilled by you and are your gifts. My bad points are my faults and your judgements on them. Let them take heart from the one and regret the other. Let both praise and tears ascend in your sight from brotherly hearts, your censers..But you Lord..Make perfect my imperfections. Augustine Of Hippo
Take accountability... Blame is the water in which many dreams...
Take accountability... Blame is the water in which many dreams and relationships drown. Steve Maraboli
If every time we choose a turd, society, at a great expense, simply allows us to redeem it for a pepperoni, then not only will we never learn to make smart choices, we will also surrender the freedom to choose, because a choice without consequences is no choice at all. Tom Robbins
On the whole the modern world has been conditioned to have a chip on its shoulder against devoutly religious people. I disagree with this in some instances - particularly in, believe it or not, matters of integrity. Deep down I often rather believe the man who honestly thinks - or better yet even, prefers - that he has an omnipotent Judge breathing down his neck, holding his every word and his every move accountable, than the man who much like his modern peers, and ironically enough, claims or wishes to bask in complete independence. As it appears actually, the former is more free of guilt than the latter. . Criss Jami
He had learned that close-held secrets could often be cracked by going all the way to the top and there making himself unbearably unpleasant. He knew that such twisting of the tiger's tail was dangerous, for he understood the psychopathology of great power. Robert A. Heinlein
[Government] regulation is an imperfect substitute for the accountability, and...
[Government] regulation is an imperfect substitute for the accountability, and trust, built into a market in which food producers meet the gaze of eaters and vice versa. Michael Pollan
God cries for us in the same way we cry for others. His tears most often spill over for the pain and suffering caused from the mortal misuse of a gift called agency. He will not revoke the gift. It was promised to us for the duration of our time on Earth. But He will hold each one of us accountable in the end for how we applied this power of agency. Richelle E. Goodrich
Receptionist: How do you write women so well? Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability. Unknown
A central administration enervates the nations in which it exists by incessantly diminishing their public spirit. If such an administration succeeds in convincing all the disposable resources of a people, it impairs at least the renewal of those resources. Alexis De Tocqueville
The spirit is willing but the body is weak Lead us then our Savoir that we may not slumber Oh Jehovah! Oh Jehovah! Thy strength we beseech to get to the end So we may render a good account of our arduous journey to the end The spirit is willing but the body is weak Lead us then our Savoir that we may not slumber Well done, good and faithful servants you shall say Unto they that shall be faithful with a few things in their days. Come and share your Master’s happiness you shall say Unto they that diligently made their hay in the day. Oh Jehovah! Oh Jehovah! Grant us Thy power to be faithful in our days! The spirit is willing but the body is weak. Lead us then our Savoir that we may not slumber. Certain paths we know seem leading to your throne. But there is only one path to Thy throne we yearn to know; The path of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus! Come to me all you who grow weary He exclaims! Easy is His yoke; lighter is His burden! Our hearts and minds; our burden! The spirit is willing but the body is weak. Lead us then our Savoir that we may not slumber. The end draws nearer and nearer as we take steps to the end. Many are the things we need to do before we get to the end. But many are the things that take our attention as we journey to the end. A heart of understanding oh Jehovah we beseech;that we may do all things pleasant to Thee with understanding. The spirit is willing but the body is weak. Lead us then our Savoir that we may not slumber. . Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Each day you are leading by example. Whether you realize it or not or whether it's positive or negative, you are influencing those around you. Rob Liano
Organizing a coup was not the same as wanting one. David Pietrusza
Leaders inspire accountability through their ability to accept responsibility before they place blame. Courtney Lynch
Peace comes from within.  Do not seek it without. Gautama Buddha
ITS nomimal without all on transfer of regard, that weight of a measure of lines cannot be equal in comparison. The want of privacy is a need of personality not character. Only through devotional love not modernity can you coolect the past, present and future. Timeless is not what you think or hear. Patience is not any big reveal. Never see make how all free? Robert Wesley Miller
To tell a ghost story means being willing to be haunted. Judith Jack Halberstam
As more people have found the courage to break through shame and speak about woundedness in their lives, we are now subjected to a mean-spirited cultural response, where all talk of woundedness is mocked. The belittling of anyone's attempt to name a context within which they were wounded, were made a victim, is a form of shaming. It is psychological terrorism. Shaming breaks our hearts. All individuals who are genuinely seeking well-being within a healing context realize that it is important to that process not to make being a victim a stance of pride or a location from which to simply blame others. We need to speak our shame and our pain courageously in order to recover. Addressing woundedness is not about blaming others; however, it does allow individuals who have been, and are, hurt to insist on accountability and responsibility both from themselves and from those who were the agents of their suffering as well as those who bore witness. Constructive confrontation aids our healing. Bell Hooks
With such a worshipping wife, it was hardly possible that any natural defects in it should not be increased. The extreme sweetness of her temper must hurt his. Jane Austen
The worst thing that can happen to you as a young person, is to refuse to grow up. You refuse to grow up when you believe that someone else must take responsibility for your life and life circumstances. Saidi Mdala
There shall always be a day and a night until the world meets its ebb and we shall always hope to sleep and wake up to see another day! Such is called life! So many people have life, but, few people are living. We shall continue to exist from dawn to dusk having life and living or just having life! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
360° AccountabilityAs an Entrepreneur, you are held: Accountable to GodAccountable to Your FamilyAccountable to Your TeamAccountable to Your ClientsAccountable to YourselfAccountable to Your Outcome Farshad Asl
Dr. Talbon was struck by another very important thing. It all hung together. The stories Cheryl told – even though it was upsetting to think people could do stuff like that – they were not disjointed They were not repetitive in terms of "I've heard this before". It was not just she'd someone trying consciously or unconsciously to get attention. really processed them out and was done with them. She didn't come up with them again [after telling the story once and dealing with it]. Once it was done, it was done. And I think that was probably the biggest factor for me in her believability. I got no sense that she was using these stories to make herself a really interesting person to me so I'd really want to work with her, or something. Or that she was just living in this stuff like it was her life. Once she dealt with it and processed it, it was gone. We just went on to other things. 'Throughout the whole thing, emotionally Cheryl was getting her life together. Parts of her were integrating where she could say, " I have a sense that some particular alter has folded in with some basic alter", and she didn't bring it up again. She didn't say that this alter has reappeared to cause more problems. That just didn't happen. The therapist had learned from training and experience that when real integration occurs, it is permanent and the patient moves on. Cheryl Hersha
From those to whom privilege and opportunity are given, we have the right to expect much. John Vasconcellos
Things are as they should be at this moment. When you accept that, you become responsible for everything you have and are. You then hold the power to change your future! Edward Lewellen
Always count the costs before starting any journey, and never take a step without finding its costs. AuliqIce
What I’ve yet to realize is that each time I work to avoid that which I fear, I have in that very same action forfeited the blessings that my fear blinded me to. And I’ve yet to realize that with God, the blessings will always and forever eclipse whatever I fear despite how absolutely imposing those fears might be Craig D. Lounsbrough
On one side of accountability is courage, on the other is freedom. Jean HamiltonFford
When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you, then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret. Shannon L. Alder
Reality. It is sometimes brought through foreign eyes; because if you do not know any better, you cannot see the worse (and vice versa). Criss Jami
Blaming others is an act of refusing to take responsibility. When a person can’t accept the fact or the reality, they blamed another person or the situation instead of taking accountability. Dee Dee Artner
For most people, blaming others is a subconscious mechanism for avoiding accountability. In reality, the only thing in your way is YOU. Steve Maraboli
Every word appears in our mind as a composite of everything else we associate with it. We by default personify every word, because in each of our minds, when we think of a certain person, there is one word that is the biggest part of that composite image. If I said swimming, singing or story telling each word is personified by someone different in each of our minds. It is very important to not let hate, treachery or any negative thing be personified by anyone in our mind, also not to give any reason that we would personify them in someone else’s mind. Any space in our hearts we allow hate to occupy, is space that could be filled with love. There will come a time in every person’s life, when they realize they are woefully wanting in the love they have cultivated in their heart. How amazing to think of the contrary: that you personified love in someone’s mind. What better compliment could we ever hear, than for someone to say, that we are their personification of love? I think it’s something that is not too often said, but oh that it was, and more, that there were more reason to say it. My wish is that every person could wake up in the morning with a prayer, that they may have the courage, diligence and desire to love more truly, sincerely and objectively; that every night we reflect on what we may have represented by our thoughts, words and deeds, ” Jefferson concluded. Michael Brent Jones
Incredible how so many people have no sense of honor. How does this happen? This happens by thriving on how one appears to the world around him rather than cultivating a person inside him that he knows is honorable and that he can be proud of. When all the focus is on what people think about you based upon your facebook profile or based upon the exterior that you put on everyday; you leave no room for looking at yourself and saying, "I want to look into the mirror every day and see someone that I can be proud of." And that's what a life of honor is based upon. It is based upon the knowledge that you know your own actions, your own self, and you can see the things that you do and know the things that you think. You answer to yourself, therefore, your standards need to come up to what you expect of yourself. It doesn't matter at all if anybody is looking. When such a sense of honor is present in a large group of people, that's when we see no crime rate or a very low crime rate, respect for other human life and personas, respect for the surroundings and really a respect for oneself. Because a respect for other people can only first be born from a true respect for oneself. C. Joybell C.
If untruths become part of our language–untruths that in context are intended to be interpreted as polite expressions or figure of speech–then each person is left to decide for themselves the meaning of any sentence. And when language and meaning become subjective, society breaks down. The rule of law becomes a grey area. Commands become suggestions. And how do you keep anyone, including yourself, accountable for actions based on ambiguous language? . Alex Latimer
If God gives you a seed, He expects you to plant it;if He plants it for you, He expects you to water it; if He waters it for you, He expects you to prune it; if He prunes and keeps it for you, He expects you to harvest it; if He harvest it for you, He expects you to store it; if He stores it for you, He expects you to keep it safe from getting rotten and if He keeps it from getting rotten for you, He expects you to account for the seed. Yes! Life is all about purposefully fulfilling a purpose. We are expected to be doing something at each moment in our life or we live without purposefully living. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Reach out, share your truth, tell someone, "This is who I am. This is what I stand for. Hold me to it." Often, we'll do far more for another than we will do for ourselves. Kamal Ravikant
In the quantum multiverse, every choice, every decision you've ever and never made exists in an unimaginably vast ensemble of parallel universes. Nick Payne
As you grow older, start using your brains, energy, and the means available to you, however little they may seem, to go after what you need to get better, so that you can have what you want to live the the life you desire. Saidi Mdala
Accountability and self-responsibility are critical to our success in personal, professional and public life. However, we often look for those character traits in others, rather than inculcating them in ourselves. Vishwas Chavan
We must learn to choose between lining our bank accounts and being accountable for our future. Carlos Wallace
Yesterday is the history chapter in the book of life, isn't it time you turned the page? Rob Liano
In populations experiencing trauma across a wide variety of settings, the portion of those experiencing ongoing PTSD is remarkably similar — one third. Ecclesiastes says woe to him who falls alone, but that the cord of THREE strands is not easily broken. Apparently deep in our human wiring is the resilience to be a buttress for those feeling overcome. Andrew Zolli
Sometimes your belief system is really your fears attached to rules. Shannon L. Alder
A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody. Thomas Paine
Open collaboration encourages greater accountability, which in turn fosters trust. Ron Garan
I saw the figure of 178 Billion wasted/stolen from the people of a country by its corrupt and inept government. Such a figure could truly transform the entire country; education, health, roads, schooling, entrepreneurial environment.. of millions of people, rather than be secreted away as a few more 0000's in global bank accounts for the greeders. We need to Rethink Public Service, Values, Ethics and Leadership. . Tony Dovale
Your humility is what secures your future and there is nothing like accountability partners who keep you real. Suzette R. Hinton
There is nothing more valuable in the writing process than a friend to hold you accountable to your own potential. J.R. Young
Intentions do not insulate us from the consequences of our actions. Jon D Harrison
During the youthful period of mankind's spiritual evolution human fantasy created gods in man's own image, who, by the operations of their will were supposed to determine, or at any rate to influence, the phenomenal world. Man sought to alter the disposition of these gods in his own favor by means of magic and prayer. The idea of God in the religions taught at present is a sublimation of that old concept of the gods. Its anthropomorphic character is shown, for instance, by the fact that men appeal to the Divine Being in prayers and plead for the fulfillment of their wishes. Nobody, certainly, will deny that the idea of the existence of an omnipotent, just, and omnibeneficent personal God is able to accord man solace, help, and guidance; also, by virtue of its simplicity it is accessible to the most undeveloped mind. But, on the other hand, there are decisive weaknesses attached to this idea in itself, which have been painfully felt since the beginning of history. That is, if this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every human action, every human thought, and every human feeling and aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him?(Albert Einstein, Science, Philosophy, and Religion, A 1934 Symposium published by the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Inc., New York, 1941; from Einstein's Out of My Later Years, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1970, pp. 26-27.) . Albert Einstein
Requiring accountability while also extending your compassion is not the easiest course of action, but it is the most humane, and, ultimately, the safest for the community. Unknown
Fearlessness is not what you do to win, but what you don't do. When you love yourself as much as your God, you won't see other people as the source of your pain. Rather, you will see who you have become because you honestly believed that your chains would be broken through hatred, instead of kindness. Shannon L. Alder
There is no ownership. There is only stewardship. LeeAnn Taylor
Motivation is desire or inspiration. A motive is a reason. What's your reason? Rob Liano
Before you make a decision, ask yourself this question: will it result in regret or joy in the future? Rob Liano
If you aren't diligently working towards changing something that bothers you, you rescind your right to complain about it. Rob Liano
It is better to stay single and wait for the one that makes sense then to marry someone that makes absolutely no sense. The moment you settle is when the one person that makes all the sense in the world shows up and Satan sits back and enjoys your spiritual meltdown. Shannon L. Alder
Secret elisions within families are suddenly revealed by self-execution, and just as quickly sheeted with excuses, blame, and counter-blame. But sense is made of the world only through relationship between action and reaction, symptom and cause. No change is possible without analysis of accountability. Antonella GambottoBurke
The pressure of adversity is the most powerful sustainer of accountability. It's as though everything you do is multiplied by 50 in order to surpass those with a head-start. I was never capable of slacking when at the threshold of failure. Criss Jami
The reason placing blame repeatedly fails to work is that I repeatedly place it on everyone else instead of where it actually belongs. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Some want, to be exempt. They do not want to excel, they do not want to exert. They want to be considered excellent, for desiring to be held exempt, from all accountability. Unknown
There is no fault, only responsibility. Rob Liano
An apology can be a wonderful thing so long as it is infrequent and from the heart. However, beware of the person who justifies bad behavior with apologies. For them it is a means to an end, and quite often at your expense. Unknown
The dark might be dark, but at least we don’t have to look at ourselves when we’re standing in it. Craig D. Lounsbrough
The people who say poverty is no excuse for low performance are now using teacher accountability as an excuse for doing nothing about poverty. David Berliner
The pride of man hopes but to blame God for the evils of the world, and to praise himself for the good. Criss Jami
One of the bigger mistakes of our time, I suppose, was preaching the demonization of all judgment without teaching how to judge righteously. We now live in an age where, apart from the inability to bear even good judgment when it so passes by, still everyone, inevitably, has a viral opinion (judgment) about everything and everyone, but little skill in good judgment as its verification or harness. Criss Jami
You are not who you say you are but rather what you do. Look at what it is that you do. If you don't like what you see: decide what you would like to see instead. Make those changes. Realize your potential. Harness your power. Seize every opportunity and do what it is that allows you to be true to yourself. Don't deny yourself your path. Only you can decide. Only you have that power. Only you are living your life. Akiroq Brost
Proper process, should not hinder progress. Too much focus on process, has left many blind to measured, tangible progress. Unknown
When you can truly understand how others experience your behavior, without defending or judging, you then have the ability to produce a breakthrough in your leadership and team. Everything starts with your self-awareness. You cannot take charge without taking accountability, and you cannot take accountability without understanding how you avoid it. Loretta Malandro
The next time you find yourself getting angry, ask yourself: Is this really something I want to give my time and energy to? Will doing so make any positive impact? If your answer is no, consider redirecting that anger-energy as soon as possible! Find something to do that will feed your soul, fuel your fire, passion and creativity. Find something that will bring something new and positive to this world. Akiroq Brost
If two people truly have feelings for one another then they don’t have an affair. They get a divorce and they sort out their feelings. You are accountable for the people you hold hostage in a marriage when your mind and heart refuse to fully commit to them. Shannon L. Alder
The evil of technology was not technology itself, Lindbergh came to see after the war, not in airplanes or the myriad contrivances of modern technical igenuity, but in the extent to which they can distance us from our better moral nature, or sense of personal accountability. David McCullough
You are a manager nonetheless who you are. There is a business worth keeping and you are the manager of that business. Yes, the business of your life. There is a big asset worth managing. Yes, your choices. As a manager of your own life, your choices are your assets. They form the pivot for the doom or boom of the business of your life. Some will be great managers and others will collapse the business of their lives by their choices or stay in mediocrity with the business of their lives. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
When I’m at the bottom looking up, the main question may not be ‘how do I get out of this hole?’ In reality, the main question might be ‘how do I get rid of the shovel that I used to dig it? Craig D. Lounsbrough
The older you get the more you realize that just because someone has an important job doesn't necessarily mean that they do it responsibly, or are even good at it. There are many 'D' students running around with high social status gained from their seemingly important positions. Integrity and proficiency are not a given. These qualities can only be proven over time. Unknown
Telling the truth may cause a few seconds of pain, but there's no medicine that can manage the pain of keeping lies. R.M. Ford
When a bully is held accountable for his actions, his future actions will change. Bad behavior only continues for those who allow it. Unknown
Character is less about what we do wrong And All about what we make right.... Navonne Johns