Quotes From "Become" By Ali Cross

We can't go back to who we once were. We...
We can't go back to who we once were. We can only go on and become the person we were meant to be. Anthony T.Hincks
When I become God, I'm going to put stars in...
When I become God, I'm going to put stars in everyone's eyes; rainbows in everyone's life;love into everyone's heart and a smile on everyone's face. Anthony T. Hincks
What made me become what I am now is just...
What made me become what I am now is just a reflection of how you have made me. Napz Cherub Pellazo
If you want to be prosperous, then you will have...
If you want to be prosperous, then you will have to become a seeker Sunday Adelaja
If you work, you will find favor from God and...
If you work, you will find favor from God and you will become a rich man Sunday Adelaja
What we believed, we become.
What we believed, we become. Lailah Gifty Akita
The day your heart fills only with fear and insecurities,...
The day your heart fills only with fear and insecurities, everything you see becomes the ghost that you were always scared of. Akshay Vasu
Become what you have the potential to become
Become what you have the potential to become Sunday Adelaja
I want to learn how to speak to anyone at any time and make us both feel a little bit better, lighter, richer, with no commitments of ever meeting again. I want to learn how to stand wherever with whoever and still feel stable. I want to learn how to unlock the locks to our minds, my mind, so that when I hear opinions or views that don’t match up with mine, I can still listen and understand. I want to burn up lifeless habits of following maps and to-do lists, concentrated liquids to burn my mind and throatand I want to go back to the way nature shaped me. I want to learn to go on well with whatever I have in my hands at the momentin a natural state of mind, certain like the sea. I will find comfort in the rhythm of the sea. Charlotte Eriksson
As soon as you successful, people will get jealous and...
As soon as you successful, people will get jealous and become your enemy Sunday Adelaja
My dreams become reality. Your dreams become forgotten. I guess...
My dreams become reality. Your dreams become forgotten. I guess that's why we're different, I don't fit into the crowd. Whereas you're part of the flock. Anthony T. Hincks
The person you’ve always wanted to be. Some days your heart will be in it, and some days you’ll fake it, but eventually it will become a habit and without thinking about it, you will be changed anew. A new attitude. A new outlook. A new perspective. The human mind is a wonderful thing to grant us that kind of change. Kim Holden
Every moment, every breath, is a new opportunity. An opportunity...
Every moment, every breath, is a new opportunity. An opportunity to let go of the past and to become the person you choose to be. John Bruna
Dr. Morris soon recognized that the difference between successful and unsuccessful marriages can often be traced to how well couples are able to "bond" during the courtship period. By bonding he referred to the process by which a man and woman become cemented together emotionally. It describes the chemistry that permits two previous strangers to become intensely valuable to one another. It helps them weather the storms of life and remain committed in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, forsaking all others until they are parted in death. It is a phenomenal experience that almost defies description. James C. Dobson
Those who become successful are those who have decided to ‘take the bull by the horns Sunday Adelaja
Every Christian has the chance to become successful, if he will make the decision to fulfill God’s will in his life Sunday Adelaja
What we become is a grace of believe in God. Lailah Gifty Akita
Each and every one of us was created to carry out justice, judgment, truth and equity on the earth. It could be in different spheres of life, in various professions or in diverse gifting. But the mandate is clear, his nature must be reflected on the earth. If he is a God of justice, people must see his justice on earth. If he is a God of sound judgment, that sound mind must be revealed in people who identify themselves with him on daily basis. If God is truth, that truth must reign supreme on the earth even as he reigns over the universe. If fairness, impartiality, equity, are his essence, that should become dominant in any society. Sunday Adelaja
When he is most powerful, nothing does he become. Dejan Stojanovic
When fiction has become reality, life may turn into a fairy tale or a firestorm. Tina, time has come to pull up one’s socks and start relearning and reassessing living. ("Another empty room") Erik Pevernagie
Future never desires to become a past. Munia Khan
Future never desires to become a past Munia Khan
Since when has grafts, bribes to get your children into the higher institution become a Nigerian thing? Sunday Adelaja
Unfortunately the leading proponent of ignorance in our society has become the very same institution that was created to fight it - The Church. Sunday Adelaja
We shall become, or we shall overcome. Anthony Liccione
Belief driven by determination is one key factor governing whether what you pursue becomes real or not. Steven Redhead
But like any friendship or relationship, everything starts off as a tiny sprout-or so my granny says. If you neglect or smother it, it will eventually wither. But when nurtured and cared for properly...it will bloom into something special. Instantmiso
When I prepare, then I become pregnant... and then I produce. When I produce, then I praise the Lord... and then I become prosperous and then the cycle repeats! Israelmore Ayivor
A little piece of everywhere I go becomes a big part of everything I do. Richie Norton
The citizens of the land, the peoples of the nation must be made strong in their convictions of these values. These values and virtues must become the wealth of the people, they must become their pride. They must be reflected in their lifestyle, in their film and movie industries. This value system must be ingrained in their educational system. They must be proclaimed in their pulpits. Homes and families must be built on the wealth of these virtues. Sunday Adelaja
Don't let someone rearrange your path because they lost sight of their own. Nikki Rowe
She always had that about her, the sparkle in her eye, she was unshakeable and what made her so admirable was; her ability to shine bright when no one knew of her pain. Nikki Rowe
Wounds are inspirations to make us stronger than the sun which blazes the day to be longer Munia Khan
Value all relationships for the lessons they teach. Make sure you learn the lessons well. If not you will repeat those mistakes over and over. Focus on the kind of relationship you do want! Surround yourself with people who manifest those characteristics. Avoid and eliminate negativity at all cost. Become a producer of that which is positive. Look for the good in every situation and praise it. talk about it & be about it. Be about only good things. Create and manifest around you joy and peace and happiness. Let the presence of God be your model. Gods' kingdom consists of 3 things, righteousness, peace and joy in Gods words. When you become a positive producer, you will begin to attract what you produced ---- positives!. Stella Payton
I want my life to be the greatest story. My very existence will be the greatest poem. Watch me burn. Love always, Charlotte Charlotte Eriksson
Sometimes one must become something one fears or loathes in order for the greater self to survive. Alex Lamb
Increase must become your natural desire Sunday Adelaja
Theere is an imperative to be in a process, the energy & consciousness of life means for us to be constantly observing, learning & becoming. Jay Woodman
What we think, we become. Lailah Gifty Akita
When you delight yourself in the Lord, His Word and His ways become the focus and foundation of your life. Elizabeth George
You need not strive to become your greater purpose. Bryant McGill
From the day I was conceived in my mother's womb, God predestined what I become. Lailah Gifty Akita
Jail has become the biggest mental health hospital. Steven Magee
What you are is God’s gift to you. What you can become is your gift to Him. Henrietta C. Mears
Love is the canvas covering the furniture that you've become a part of Josh Stern
Since the day I decided to become sober and a mother, I've been trying to become who I am supposed to be. Glennon Doyle Melton
Not only are you what you eat, but you also can be what's eating you. Don't become your problems or let them overtake you. Anthony Liccione
The more success a person has in life, the greater the danger of fornication can become. Sunday Adelaja
When you demand perfection within yourself, you become more fallible. Bryant McGill
Whether what you learned was objectively true or false, the conclusions that you made about yourself, your environment, and other people will be replayed in your life because they become a part of who you are. Cortney S. Warren
Learn tricks from others, Become a trickster Unknown
You can't beat your own expectations. The latter set the tone, and shape who you've become, and who you would end up becoming... Assegid Habtewold
You can't become a millionaire until you think like one. Moosa Rahat
You will never become a hero if you keep waiting for someone else to bring a cape for you. Akshay Vasu
Nobody is born rich everyone started from poor, that your grandfather or mother or father or grandmother are rich. This is just a luck, other people are born in poor families and become rich! Deyth Banger
I grow up relying upon on my own shoulders even from the moment they were too weak to hold me back, but I knew it is the only to become a tough guy. M.F. Moonzajer
Since when has outright denial of truth become a Nigerian factor? Sunday Adelaja
The more you know, the more you can do. The more you can do the bigger you become Sunday Adelaja
Do not let your ambitions become a sanctuary for your failures. Bryant H. McGill
We work to become, not to acquire. Elbert Hubbard
We have become frighteningly effective at altering nature. Sylvia Earle
I design therefore I become. Jason Silva
Possibly I've become less funny as I've been happier. Wendy Cope
Education can become a self-fulfilling activity, liberating in and of itself. Abraham Maslow