27 Quotes & Sayings By Stella Payton

Stella was born in Japan when she was six months old. She moved to the UK at a very early age and spent most of her childhood in Sussex. She started writing at age 14 and has been published by Penguin Books, Harper Collins, Bloomsbury, and Little Brown. She has had her books translated into German, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, French and Dutch Read more

Whatever you believe to be true, whether it is true or not; if you believe it, then to you it becomes the truth. Stella Payton
What dreams lie dormant hidden in the womb of your soul, quietly waiting, incubating seeking opportunity to come forth? Like the female cycle that comes every 28 days, over and over again, dreams come to rest in the soil of your mind. They compel you. They disturb you. They haunt you with visions of possibility. They prompt you to walk restlessly through life knowing that you may someday stop, listen and decide to nourish them with faith and action. Yield to the silent urging. Listen. Hear. Receive.Let the dream speak. For it will burst forth from the womb of your spirit. It frees into existence something that lives, brooding in the corner your mind. Hold the seed. Grow the seed. Birth the seed. And life will begin anew. Stella Payton
Nothing kills creativity so well as a big dose of negativity. Stella Payton
Its all about perspective, that is how you look at things. Your own thoughts and outlook defines whether an experience, event, situation whatever is good or bad. And your definition determines your response. Stella Payton
Its all about perception, that is how you look at. Your own thoughts and outlook defines whether it is good or bad. And your definition determines your response. Stella Payton
If I believe my ability is small, then my efforts will be shallow and my push weak. If I think I am not capable, I will not try with energy. Without strong belief, I won’t seek the knowledge required to achieve my goals. I will not launch out into the deep or push against obstacles with the force that confidence brings. Stella Payton
People take ownership of sickness and disease by saying things like MY high blood pressure MY diabetes, MY heart disease, MY depression, MY! MY! MY! Don't own it because it doesn't belong to you! Stella Payton
Service is not something you do. It is something you are. Stella Payton
Allocate your resources wisely for all men have been endowed with abilities that are more than sufficient to accomplish even the greatest of their dreams. Stella Payton
Like the bud of a flower, change forces you to surrender to growth. It makes you vulnerable. It requires you to enlarge, expand and become bigger. Like the oxygen provided with each breath, we are denied its benefits until we relax and breathe in. Stella Payton
The whole point to New Years is not just to have a new year. But that we should be new, better and different people. That is why we exercise to RE-NEW our bodies. That is why we write GOALS to get a Renewed sense of our potential. That is why we make RE-SOLUTIONS because we resolve that there are solutions inside of us that we have not tapped into. So don't waste each New Years season. Maximize it! Start fresh using a new perspective for it will enable you to tap into a new season with greater capacity. . Stella Payton
Value all relationships for the lessons they teach. Make sure you learn the lessons well. If not you will repeat those mistakes over and over. Focus on the kind of relationship you do want! Surround yourself with people who manifest those characteristics. Avoid and eliminate negativity at all cost. Become a producer of that which is positive. Look for the good in every situation and praise it. talk about it & be about it. Be about only good things. Create and manifest around you joy and peace and happiness. Let the presence of God be your model. Gods' kingdom consists of 3 things, righteousness, peace and joy in Gods words. When you become a positive producer, you will begin to attract what you produced ---- positives!. Stella Payton
Self-correction makes me check the ruler of my life against the yardstick of my inner voice. I acknowledge when I don’t measure up. Self-correction is an ongoing process. If done often enough, I can stop myself from straying off the path. Stella Payton
Beautiful is the man who leaves a legacy that of shared love and life. It is he who transfers meaning, assigns significance and conveys in his loving touch the fine art and gentle shaping of a life. This man shall be called, Father. Stella Payton
Turn a major mistake into a master mentor, learn from it. Stella Payton
There are times in relationships, when we blow it. In spite of our best intentions, we wrong others. Our jealousy makes us feel inferior. Our own wounds cause us to act irrationally. Our insecurities lead us to say hurtful things. And so, we find ourselves acting out. In short, we cloud our lives with muddy water. We trash around the pond of our emotions until things are just too messed up to figure out how to fix them. It is in the times of muddy water that we learn how to wait it out. We have to wait until the mud settles. We must wait until we can clearly see where the water of our lives ends and the mud of misplaced emotions begin. Have the patience to wait until the mud settles. Be still until the water is clear. In clear water, words come. Right actions reveal them selves and healing appears.--- From the Devotional A Word in Season . Stella Payton
Truth needs wisdom's guidance. Wisdom prevents a hard truth from getting the best of you when an imperfect character brings out the worst in you. Stella Payton
Pride makes easy decisions hard. Humility makes hard decisions easy. Stella Payton
I find so many opportunities to fall, to falter, and fail when I refuse to surrender to change. Change will come into my room and rearrange my tidy world. Then like dominoes, one things changed falls upon another until it feels like the world is collapsing around me. But when I yield, when I surrender to the necessary change, I can stand back and look at the beautiful picture created by what seemed to be my world falling apart. . Stella Payton
In the effort to reach the stars and change the world, make sure you touch a heart and change a life. Stella Payton
Change will force you to step off the path, to venture from the nest, to close your eyes and dive right in, knowing that the greatest opportunities in life are found in the sink or swim, do or die moments. Stella Payton
When bodies talk, a hand brushing across a face declares love the tongue never speaks. When bodies talk, eyes make promises and lips keep them in the silent transfer of vows of the heart. When bodies talk, a steady stare and firm glance becomes a rod of correction. When bodies talk, they speak to us all in quiet whispers, heart-to-heart, and soul-to-soul, in soundless conversations. Stella Payton
It is a dangerous position to be in when you can't see, can't hear and won't listen... Stella Payton
FRIENDOnly when you have walked with me through the valley of hardship.. When you have fought beside me against an evil foe.. When you have cried with me through a painful heartache.. When you have laughed with me at life joyous moments.. When you have held my hand in silent sorrow at my loss.. When you have trusted me in spite of your doubts, , , When you have believed in me when I lacked confidence to believe in my self.. When you have defended my honor against lying tongues.. When you have prayed for me when I was temped to go wrong.. When you have stood with me as others walked away.. Then and only then can you call me friend. For then you truly know ME. Then you will have paid the price of sisterhood/brotherhood. Then you will have forged a bond that will transcend time and live beyond life. Then you will truly be called a FRIEND who sticks closer than a brother..© 2013 From the book Meditations From my Garden by Stella Payton . Stella Payton
Radiate peace. Who knows? The peace you spread may create the only restful place in your environment. Stella Payton
Change is like the skin peeling off of a snake. It is slow. It is sticky. And sometimes you have to rub against a hard place to pull yourself through it. But in the end, you realize that it was worth it all to get the the new place and new person you have become. Stella Payton