4 Quotes & Sayings By William H Willimon

Willimon is the author of more than 20 books of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. His most recent novel, "The Confessions of Nat Turner," was published in 2007 by Pantheon Books. He has written many poetry collections, among them "The Language of Ruin" (1997) and "The Alphabet Box" (2001). Willimon is also the author of the novel "Losing Moses", which was nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award Read more

He has taught creative writing at Hollins University and at New York University before moving to Yale where he was the Lampman Professor of English for four years.

. when we take upon ourselves his yoke of obedience, his yoke is easy, his burden is light (Matt. 11:28-30). When is a burden light? It is when we find our burdensome lives caught up, elevated, borne aloft by something greater than our lives. Mission gives meaning. Jesus does not come to us to relieve us of all yokes or burdens; rather, he comes offering us a yoke worth wearing, a burden worth bearing. It is a great gift not to have to make your life mean something, to have your life given significance by the Lord whose cross, when taken up, takes us up as well. 119-120 . William H. Willimon
Despite our earnest efforts, we couldn't climb all the way up to God. So what did God do? In an amazing act of condescension, on Good Friday, God climbed down to us, became one with us. The story of divine condescension begins on Christmas and ends on Good Friday. We thought, if there is to be business between us and God, we must somehow get up to God. Then God came down, down to the level of the cross, all the way down to the depths of hell. He who knew not sin took on our sin so that we might be free of it. God still stoops, in your life and mine, condescends. “Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” he asked his disciples, before his way up Golgotha. Our answer is an obvious, “No! ” His cup is not only the cup of crucifixion and death, it is the bloody, bloody cup that one must drink if one is going to get mixed up in us. Any God who would wander into the human condition, any God who has this thirst to pursue us, had better not be too put off by pain, for that's the way we tend to treat our saviors. Any God who tries to love us had better be ready to die for it. As Chesterton writes, “Any man who preaches real love is bound to beget hate … Real love has always ended in bloodshed. William H. Willimon
Jesus didn't die as a frustrated failed revolutionary. His death was the revolution. William H. Willimon