3 Quotes & Sayings By Tracy H Tucker

Tracy H. Tucker, PhD, is the author of several successful books on writing and publishing. She has worked as an editor and ghostwriter for nearly 30 years, first at Emery-Pratt Publishers, then at Random House/Ballantine Books, and finally at Penguin Group USA. She is the recipient of the 2004 National Book Award for Excellence in Nonfiction, the 2005 PEN West Lifetime Achievement Award for Literature in the Pacific Northwest, and the 2007 PEN West Lifetime Achievement Award for Literature in California.

If my ex-husband could move on, I could, too. I would search for my gardener, someone who would help me to grow and bloom, but who would recognize the fragility of a new flower just starting to poke out of the ground. If I was lucky, he’d have a long cultivator. Tracy H. Tucker
I felt myself begin to slide down into that recognizable abyss, down and down, where I knew it would be cold and dark, but which had become more familiar to me than my face in the mirror. I knew I should instead be grateful for this time with my two best friends, for having laughed, but I let myself slide anyway. And hoped someone would pull me back up. Tracy H. Tucker