28 Quotes About Bored

We’ve all been there. So often our greatest moments of joy are when we’re bored. Boredom is the timeless experience of sitting in a room while waiting for something to happen. We all experience it, and we all want to avoid it Read more

But boredom is an essential part of existence, and by facing it head on, we can find new ways to enjoy ourselves, discover new things to do, and grow through our experiences. These quotes about boring experiences will help you get through them with a smile.

I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored. Louis C.K.
I can safely say, on the authority of all that...
I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven. A.W. Tozer
Loneliness tortures many if not most of the elderly more...
Loneliness tortures many if not most of the elderly more intensely and more frequently than it torments many if not most of us who will never be or have not yet been pushed or pulled into old age. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Boredom is probably more frequent and more tormenting if you...
Boredom is probably more frequent and more tormenting if you do not have sight or hands. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Being bored is the price we pay for not being...
Being bored is the price we pay for not being insane. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There is no such thing as a boring person when...
There is no such thing as a boring person when you are lonely or extremely bored. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There have been times I've felt so much art in...
There have been times I've felt so much art in my soul I grew sick of artists. Criss Jami
You become a house where the wind blows straight through, because no one bothers the crack in the window or lock on the door, and you’re the house where people come and go as they please, because you’re simply too unimpressed to care. You let people in who you really shouldn’t let in, and you let them walk around for a while, use your bed and use your books, and await the day when they simply get bored and leave. You’re still not bothered, though you knew they shouldn’t have been let in in the first place, but still you just sit there, apathetic like a beggar in the desert. Charlotte Eriksson
When you are unemployed, weekends are seven days long.
When you are unemployed, weekends are seven days long. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
NOT UNTIL I MET YOUNot until I felt your sunshine, Did I realize that I had been in the shade. Not until I saw all your colors, Did I realize that mine had faded. Not until I heard your dreams, Did I realize that I was still sleeping. And not until I experienced my life with you, Did I realize that I was barely Breathing. Suzy Kassem
... an artist should paint from the heart, and not...
... an artist should paint from the heart, and not always what people expect. Predictability often leads to the dullest work, in my opinion, and we have been bored stiff long enough I think. E.a. Bucchianeri
Beware of those who are bored and not passionate about...
Beware of those who are bored and not passionate about life, for they will bore you with reasons for not living. Suzy Kassem
One could get bored even with beauty when one was...
One could get bored even with beauty when one was constantly surrounded by it. Morgan Rhodes
We sometimes reveal how ignorant or bored we were when we read a book by giving it 5-stars. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
You might be an introvert if you were ready to go home before you left the house. Criss Jami
Before you get bored of yourself try creativity in your life. Amit Kalantri
Never believe a friend who offered you his friendship just because he was getting bored. Amit Kalantri
Anger travels faster, conscience is slower! Angers goes ahead to destroy long before conscience lately arrives to regret! Don't try to keep anger just for a while... It destroys before negotiations! Israelmore Ayivor
You don’t command your plate to provide you with food and it does. And you don’t have to get bored if it doesn't. Whatever has to drop into the plate must pass through your head! Israelmore Ayivor
See, my aim is not to survive but to be thrown to the wolfs with adrenaline still pumping in my veins and hear the gods laughing saying ”that was one hell of a youth” and everything I do I do in order to push my senses and levels of natural ecstasy. I want to be so awake that I pass out by exhaustion every night with a smile on my face and no thoughts of tomorrow because today was all I ever could make of it and I am sick and tired of boredom. Bored people slumbering boring words about bored habits and I want to get out. Charlotte Eriksson
Rain's pouring and it's too cold. All people bored and I even accord What to do but spell a tale told: So once upon a time a land in the shore... Ana Claudia Antunes
Sit there and look pretty. Hissa AlBoot AlShehhi
When bored of sitting, move! When bored of moving, sit! Balance your life or there will remain neither moving nor sitting in your life but only falling! Mehmet Murat Ildan
I was fifteen. I was bored. I was miserable. Unknown
I don't want to be bored I don't want to be with someone I don't respect. Robyn Davidson
I'm getting more and more bored with professional sports, but I still watch. Michael Keaton
I just can't afford to get bored, because if you've been blessed with a generous imagination, which a lot of actors have, to be engaged, to be stimulated, is to liberate your imagination. John C. McGinley