3 Quotes & Sayings By Susan Froderberg

Susan Froderberg is the founder of The Writer's Digest Book Club, Inc. and the author of the popular blog, Writing on the Edge. Through her book club, she has helped thousands of beginning writers improve their writing skills while learning new techniques that have changed their lives. Susan's novels have been published in more than six languages and have received numerous awards Read more

Her latest novel, The Writing Life, was published by Pocket Books in September 2012. Susan lives in Vermont with her husband, daughter, son-in-law, 5 dogs and 2 cats.

The night sky is filled brimful as a night sky can be, lit brightly as it is with clusters of planets and pulsating stars and marriages of galaxies, all of it within a wobble of dust and gas and debris unseen. There are the Dippers Little and Big tonight, a lovely Pleiades, and a throbbing red star out like a tiny heart. This is the stuff of which we are made, I say to Son, all that is of us above us. We stand together looking upward, our mouths hung open as if to swallow what's above down and into us. Looking out at the past in its far distance, where from there, he we are not. Susan Froderberg
A scratching of melody comes from the radio, chords rising open as the land that carries us, rhythm mimicking our passage down the road, harmony making this life seem it should be only that. We sing along to what songs have always been about- beginning, going on, breaking up, forgiving, We sing in missed words and broken phrases as glints of tiger moths fly at us like snow, streaking the windshield over. Susan Froderberg