6 Quotes & Sayings By Sb Redd

S.B. Redd is a journalist best known for her long-standing reporting and commentary on the US economic and political landscape, and her extensive experience in the world of international finance. She has been a financial columnist for TheStreet.com and an adjunct professor of journalism at Yale University. Redd worked as a reporter on the Wall Street Journal's "Deal Journal" for two years before launching her own financial column, "The Livid Landlord," for seven years.

Entering the foyer, Royale already decided that he would thank Shake once more for being by his side at Keena’s recital. But she stunned him by eagerly waiting for him just like old times–on her knees wearing only a collar and a leash. S.B. Redd
You know, in everyone’s life you go through just trying to learn what one times one is–one times one equals one. S.B. Redd
And the game of dominoes is much like life: You gotta play the bones you’ve pulled. It don’t matter if you got seven doubles in your damn hand. S.B. Redd
Pastor McFucking Bride this. .. Pastor McFucking Bride that. Fuck him! S.B. Redd
You know what I want? I just want you to be open to the fact that I am a woman. I’ve got emotions. I’ve got expectations. I cry. I laugh. And I was drawn to you because, first, you are a handsome man. But, secondly, after spending the time that we’ve spent, I just have an intuition that you’re the type of man who can appreciate a good woman. I really don’t care about your past and how many women you’ve screwed. S.B. Redd