6 Quotes & Sayings By Lera Auerbach

Lera Auerbach was born in Israel and moved to the United States at the age of 12. She graduated from Texas Tech University and is a graduate of the University of Houston's School of Law. She is the executive editor of the Houston Chronicle and has also worked as a business reporter and an editor for various newspapers and magazines. Lera has received numerous awards throughout her career including the Society for Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi Award, the American Bar Association's Silver Gavel Award, and Texas Woman's University's Distinguished Alumna Award Read more

She lives in Houston with her husband, two children, and two dogs.

Realized dreams often turn into nightmares. Lera Auerbach
I have inflammation of the imagination. Lera Auerbach
A coward is a servant of his fears. A hero enslaves his fears. Lera Auerbach
To come up with one great sentence, one needs to serve a life sentence. Lera Auerbach
Death defines life. I'd rather stay undefined. Lera Auerbach