5 Quotes & Sayings By Larissa Qat

Larissa Qat is a second-generation Chinese American, born and raised in Boston. She made her literary debut with the novel Breaking Up, received the Asian American Literary Award, and was a finalist for the National Book Award. She has also published two memoirs, The Food of Love, and The Light of Other Days. She lives in San Francisco with her husband.

Faded is my heart.... Faded is my dream.... Faded they may seem.... Never I scream! Larissa Qat
What is the price of freedom! I'm not talking about the physical restraining kind, but the spiritual, mental, emotional kind! If we glance at a tiny bird, it represents the ultimate freedom, the ability to fly, to rise above all, to look down on earth while getting tickled by clouds of cotton candy. But the price of this bird's freedom is living off scrapes of food & sippes of water! I guess the price of freedom is all about living in content. If u need to spread ur wings wide and fly off into the horizon, you need to learn that what you already have can certainly set you FREE! . Larissa Qat
La vie est belle. ....La vie est loca! Sometimes up... Other times down Big smiles.... Waterfalls Make the best of it... As no one knows It's up to you how it goes Larissa Qat
Pour on me the tears of the heavens Kiss my cheeks with crystal rain Wash away my blemishes and jitters Teach me how to dance in the rain Listen closely and you may hear A sweet fading melody with each drop of rain Pour on me solace and euphoria Take my hand and dance with me. Larissa Qat