39 Quotes About Compassion Wisdom

Compassion is a universal human emotion that we experience in many forms. It can be something as simple as offering a stranger a smile on the street to giving someone else the shirt off your back. We all know that helping others is part of what makes us, well, us. You’ll find the best compassion quotes below to help you live your best life with compassion for others.

The light of compassion opens the petals of the heart....
The light of compassion opens the petals of the heart. When the petals of the heart unfold fragrance spreads across the valley. Amit Ray
Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories. Amit Ray
If you are driven by fear, anger or pride nature...
If you are driven by fear, anger or pride nature will force you to compete. If you are guided by courage, awareness, tranquility and peace nature will serve you. Amit Ray
Kindness and awareness work together. Through awareness we understand the underlying beauty of everything and every being. Amit Ray
Mindfulness and compassion can give you the power, illumination, love,...
Mindfulness and compassion can give you the power, illumination, love, and wisdom to draw higher forms, thoughts, feelings, and situations into your life. Amit Ray
The true character of a man is not seen through...
The true character of a man is not seen through his choices, but the passion in his heart. Robert Vanleeuwen
Every single creature on earth manages to survive one way...
Every single creature on earth manages to survive one way or another, but not every creature truly lives. Abhijit Naskar
A rich life is lived from a giving heart not...
A rich life is lived from a giving heart not a selfish mind. Rasheed Ogunlaru
There are two types of seeds in the mind: those that create anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, hatred and those that create love, compassion, equanimity and joy. Spirituality is germination and sprouting of the second group and transforming the first group. Amit Ray
To ease a grieving heart is the world's greatest pleasure,...
To ease a grieving heart is the world's greatest pleasure, more so, when the heart is yours. Radhika Mundra
There's nothing wrong with helping someone without a cost. Especially...
There's nothing wrong with helping someone without a cost. Especially if there's no end return. Solange Nicole
Every animal is biologically designed by Nature to do wrong...
Every animal is biologically designed by Nature to do wrong in return. It takes a human being to not do wrong in return. Abhijit Naskar
Only those who live for others become immortal, and the...
Only those who live for others become immortal, and the rest simply perish within a few weeks , or alas days, after their mortal demise. Abhijit Naskar
A quiet mind is the quickest and biggest step to a peaceful world. Rasheed Ogunlaru
The poor, the illiterate, the helpless, the distressed – let these be your God. Abhijit Naskar
We live in everyone. I live in you. You live in me. There is no gap, no distance. Amit Ray
In reality, we live in everyone. I live in you. You live in me. There is no gap, no distance. We all are eternally one. Amit Ray
Our wings are small but the ripples of the heart are infinite. Amit Ray
Gracious words refresh, restore and revive the soul. Lailah Gifty Akita
I never dream to become someone important for myself. The truth is that I- I really don't have a personal ambition. My ambition, my dream, it's about the people. It's all about the people. It's for the people. It's all for the people. That is my ultimate goal. Nurudeen Ushawu
If the idea of loving those whom you have been taught to recognize as your enemies is too overwhelming, consider more deeply the observation that we are all much more alike than we are unalike. Aberjhani
Teach the children compassion and empathy, for all creatures are born selfish. Abhijit Naskar
Be kind to all the people you meet on your journey. Lailah Gifty Akita
Although we are urged to walk in another man's shoes, I think, first, we have to walk in another pair of our own shoes. Doing that will free up a lot, including our ability to be more compassionate and less judgmental. Charles F. Glassman
It is up to each one of us to immunize ourselves from any disabling bolts of anger and defend ourselves from the thunderstorms of hatred. No matter how maliciously anyone might act towards us, humankinds’ ability to express empathy, compassion, and mercy is the only life-sustaining panacea. Whenever we foster empathy and compassion and display mercy towards other people, we overcome the vilest actions and greatest atrocities committed by other persons. If we love everyone, we can never feel victimized or hate anyone. If we love ourselves, we will never act in a degrading manner. Kilroy J. Oldster
There's no room for hate and violence in this world. We must learn to be more kind, compassionate, empathetic, and sympathetic to humanity. Germany Kent
Enlightenment is the moment when you are most alive and most compassionate. Amit Ray
Unless we understand how the twists and turns of life operate to make us, we cannot comprehend who and what we are. Without self-awareness, we are blind to registering the intertexture of other people’s inner life. Gracefully enduring personal hardships expands our minds to extend sympathy and empathy for other people. By casting our personal life experiences into a supple storytelling casing, we create the translucent membrane that quarters the fusion of our flesh, nerves, blood, and bones. Self-understanding is an essential step in loving the entire world. Kilroy J. Oldster
Give Compassion: Every day the average person fights epic battles never told just to survive. Ken Poirot
Nonviolence aims at doing no harm to living being. Compassion aims at doing good to all being. Amit Ray
Compassion stands on the pillars of trust, love, awareness and detachment. Amit Ray
Compassion means removal of suffering — suffering of the self and the others. Amit Ray
An act of kindness is uplifting to the soul. Lailah Gifty Akita
Now there are many, many people in the world, but relatively few with whom we interact, and even fewer who cause us problems. So when you come across such a chance for practicing patience and tolerance, you should treat it with gratitude. It is rare. Just as having unexpectedly found a treasure in your own house, you should be happy and grateful toward your enemy for providing you that precious opportunity. Because if you are ever to be successful in your practice of patience and tolerance, which are critical factors in counteracting negative emotions, it is due to your own efforts and also the opportunity provided by your enemy. Dalai Lama Xiv
I think about all the ways I’ve been perceived by others over the years: as a burden, a dutiful daughter, a girlfriend, a spiteful wretch, an inva Christina Baker Kline
The disappointments, the injustices, and the unfair treatment of others can never make me become a bitter person, far from it. It rather makes me become more and more generous and compassionate. Because down in my heart, am very much at peace with myself. Nurudeen Ushawu
You are not alone...please know that hope can fly in on the most unexpected of wings. Tracy Shawn
My top priority is for people to understand that they have the power to change things themselves. Unknown