3 Quotes & Sayings By Joseph Hopkinson

Joseph Hopkinson was born in 1864 in New York City. He was educated in the city schools and at the Hamilton College of New York. After graduating from Hamilton College, he entered the newspaper business and worked on several papers until 1888 when he started his own paper, The Westchester Patriot. In 1896, after a number of changes in ownership, Hopkinson sold the paper and thereafter took to writing novels and short stories Read more

He also became active in the life of his adopted home town of Pleasantville, New York serving as a member of the town board for 25 years.

Hail Columbia! happy land! Hail ye heroes! heavenborn band! Who fought and bled in Freedom's cause. Joseph Hopkinson
Hail ye heroes! heaven-born band! Who fought and bled in Freedom's cause. Joseph Hopkinson