3 Quotes & Sayings By Dave Crawley

Dave Crawley is a retired English teacher, coach and writer. He currently writes and produces motivational and educational videos for the Foundation. Dave spent years researching the concept of "success" in education with a focus on leadership, motivation, and innovation. He has written many articles about the idea of giving back to your community, including an article called 'The Power of Giving' which appeared in the Education Leaders Network Magazine.

My doggy ate my homework. He chewed it up, " I said. But when I offered my excuse My teacher shook her head. I saw this wasn't going well. I didn't want to fail. Before she had a chance to talk, I added to the tale:" Before he ate, he took my work And tossed it in a pot. He simmered it with succotash Till it was piping hot." He scrambled up my science notes With eggs and bacon strips, Along with sautéed spelling words And baked potato chips." He then took my arithmetic And had it gently fried. He broiled both my book reports With pickles on the side." He wore a doggy apron As he cooked a notebook stew. He barked when I objected. There was nothing I could do."" Did he wear a doggy chef hat?" My teacher gave a scowl." He did, " I said. "And taking it Would only make him growl." My teacher frowned, but then I said As quickly as I could, " He covered it with ketchup, And he said it tasted good."" A talking dog who likes to cook?" My teacher had a fit. She sent me to the office, And that is where I sit. I guess I made a big mistake In telling her all that.' Cause I don't have a doggy. It was eaten by my cat. Dave Crawley
I Will Not Tease Rebecca GrimesI have to write one hundred times:" I will not tease Rebecca Grimes."Okay, that's one. I'm far from done.( This isn't gonna be much fun.) "I will not tease Rebecca Grimes."That's two. I'm paying for my crimes. It's all because I pulled her hair And put spaghetti on her chair. Because I gave her goofy looks And squirted mustard on her books, I have to write one hundred times:" I will not tease Rebecca Grimes."That's three. Whoopee. It's going slow. Just ninety-seven more to go." I will not tease" (I'm keeping score.)" Rebecca Grimes." (Now that makes four.) I'm soaked with sweat. My shirt is damp. I think I'm getting writer's cramp." I will not, will not, will not tease Rebecca Grimes! " Can I stop, please? The teacher frowns, and that means no. I still have sixty-six to go." I will-will-will not-not-not-not Tease-tease-tease-tease.." It's getting hot." I will not tease Rebecca Grimes."That's ninety-nine. The school bell chimes. Just one more line and I'll be through. Rebecca Grimes, this one's for you! My final line will rhyme with "Grimes":"I will not tease Rebecca..Slimes! "Rebecca Slimes! Ha ha! That's great! I'd better hide it. Oops! Too late! The teacher sees what I wrote down. She takes my paper with a frown. I now must write one thousand times:" I will not tease Rebecca Grimes. Dave Crawley