5 Quotes & Sayings By Corey Mk Hughes

Corey K. Hughes is the author of the upcoming novel "An Opportunity Lost" which will be available on February 6, 2011. He is also the author of "The Living Dead Book Club", which was published in 2008 by Simon & Schuster. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Huffington Post, The Village Voice, and many other publications both online and in print.

The Truth only offends those who live outside it.
The Truth only offends those who live outside it. Corey M.K. Hughes
God Provides by divine Power through knowledge of His Promises so that we Participate in divine nature in godliness. Corey M.K. Hughes
You glorify God with gratitude. Corey M.K. Hughes
I have a great need for Christ: I have a great Christ for my need. Corey M.K. Hughes