3 Quotes & Sayings By Allison M Dickson

Allison M. Dickson is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and a former prosecutor. She served as a prosecutor in Allegheny County for two years before moving to Washington, DC, where she was a senior associate in the Chicago office of a national securities law firm. In 2011, Dickson began her career as an Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Maryland's Environmental Crimes Section prosecuting coal industry defendants, including coal companies for violations of the Clean Air Act Read more

She also assisted in the prosecution of cases against individuals for money laundering violations and tax evasion.

He was too damn old to run now, too tired of that romantic idea of freedom that infected the heads of the young and later killed most of them with crushing disappointment. The Cassinis had always made sure he was just comfortable enough to want to sit tight and not risk the generosities they’d afforded him, and the older he got, the more comfortable he became. Comfort had a way of killing the romance in just about everybody. Allison M. Dickson
I've tried to explain to people that I don't 'love' writing any more than I 'love' breathing. It's something I do and it's something I need. If I thought about it as a love/hate thing, I probably would have quit long ago. And then died. Allison M. Dickson