9 Quotes About West Virginium

At the end of the school day, we walked the long, cold way home feeling happy and hungry. There we found a warm fire, country ham with gravy and hot biscuits, and a mother to hug us! If snow blew under the doors that night, what did it matter? Christmas time was just around the corner. Jenny Lee Ellison
The defendant removed his gloves and started toward the victim. Mr. Farley, still teasing, said: “Ooo, he's taking his gloves off.” The defendant then pulled a knife from his pocket and stabbed the victim in the neck. He also stabbed Mr. Farley in the arm as he fell to the floor. Mr. Farley looked up and cried: “Man, I was just kidding around.” The defendant responded: “Well, man, you should have never hit me in my face. . Franklin Cleckley
Want to go to West Virginia and risk life and limb with me?" Zane smirked and gave a single nod. "Sounds like fun. Abigail Roux
May your glass always be full, may there always be a roof over your head, and may you dirty sinners be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead. Jason Jack Miller
Nothing else in the whole wide world matters as much as avenging your sister. Jason Jack Miller
It's Coke, my man. You really think I'm going to let you pour any more alcohol into your body tonight? Jason Jack Miller
Yeah, but a hellbender never dies. You ever see a dead one? Jason Jack Miller
Henry, that's how you get rid of fleas. You keep them from laying eggs. You go to war with them. Jason Jack Miller