19 Quotes About Vatican

The Vatican is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican City-State is located within the city of Rome, Italy, and is distinct from the Holy See, which is the episcopal see of Rome. The Vatican City-State was founded in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, an agreement among Catholic nations. The Sovereign of the State is Francis Read more

Since there are no elections in the Vatican City-State, its government represents both clergy and laity. The current prime minister is Nunzio Galantino, who was appointed on March 15, 2014.

The Vatican won't prosecute pedophile priests but I decide I'm not ready for motherhood and it's condemnation for me? These are the same people that won't support national condom distribution that PREVENTS teenage pregnancy. Sonya Renee Taylor
Eventually everyone dies, but death, in various forms and ways, still comes as a shock. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Or they consign you to flames. The flesh sizzles and the bones crackle. be grateful it happens in that order. Mahendra Jakhar
Policemen are often confronted with situations which baffle them at first. A certain crime scene may seem meaningless, but they have to derive some meaning out of it. They have to connect the dots, find the links, delve into its history, look for evidence, come up with a zillion theories and arrive at truth. The thing is, truth is always stranger than fiction. Mahendra Jakhar
The three Secrets of Fatima were closely held by the Vatican for decades, until the text of the third and last secret was finally released in 2000. Peter J. Tanous
Well, they've come a long way. To think that he now could access a secret document held in the Vatican archives, via electronic technology. Peter J. Tanous
Many believe that the Vatican withheld important parts of the Third Secret, perhaps because its contents were too dangerous to reveal... Peter J. Tanous
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Peter J. Tanous
Looking at the Blessed Mother, Kevin felt the pull of a special allegiance with her. To Serve God, to honor Mary who speaks to my soul, sending me messages I cannot know the meaning of? Is this what my life is about? Peter J Tanous
Calvi was sobbing. This couldn't be! A moment ago the Pope was healthy, smiling. How could His Holiness be no longer? Only a month into his papacy! Peter J. Tanous
Whatever was in that document had caused the death of the leader of the Catholic Church. Who'd be next? Calvi shuddered. His life's work was safe-guarding this document. Whatever its purpose or mystery, it was his solemn and sole mission to protect it. Even if it meant giving up his life for it. Peter J. Tanous
The pope was lying fully stretched out on the floor, his body half-obscured by Cardinal Villot, who was leaning over him. Calvi's heart jumped into his throat. The pontiff 's eyes were shut, his face distorted in pain. He wasn't breathing. He was life-less, drained of color. Peter J. Tanous
What’s the mission at hand? To save the Church? To save the pope? Uncover a menacing secret society within the Church? Eliminate the would-be assassins? Or could it be something else, something even more portentous and earth-shattering? Peter J Tanous
Lord, I'll embrace whatever it is you want me to do, but please, please let me know what it is." - Father Kevin Thrall. Peter J. Tanous
When you turn a blind eye to atrocities, you are complicit in them. David Crossman
God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes he uses anonymous people. Khaled Talib
Men speak of God’s love for man… but if providence does not come in this hour, where is He then? My conclusion is simple. The Semitic texts from Bronze Age Palestine of which Christianity is comprised still fit uncomfortably well with contemporary life. The Old Testament depicts a God capricious and cruel; blood sacrifice, vengeance, genocide; death and destruction et al. Would He not approve of Herr Hitler and the brutal, tribalistic crusade against Hebrews and non- Christian ‘untermensch?’One thing is inarguable. His church on Earth has produced some of the most vigorous and violent contribution to the European fascist cause. It is synergy. Man Created God, even if God Created Man; it all exists in the hubris and apotheosis of the narcissistic soul, and alas, all too many of the human herd are willing to follow the beastly trait of leadership. The idea of self-emancipation and advancement, with Europe under the jackboot of fascism, would be Quixotic to the point of mirthless lunacy. Daniel S. Fletcher
A defeat for humanity would be the failure to recognise the rights of two people who love each other. A defeat for humanity is that people accept such hatred and discrimination into their hearts. A defeat for humanity would be the failure of the church to recognise that nobody can control who a person loves. A victory for humanity would be the dissolution of a theocratic dystopia that promotes anti-equality (aka "the Vatican") which has no place in a modern society. . Scott A. Butler
As to Science, she has never sought to ally herself to civil power. She has never attempted to throw odium or inflict social ruin on any human being. She has never subjected anyone to mental torment, physical torture, least of all to death, for the purpose of upholding or promoting her ideas. She presents herself unstained by cruelties and crimes. But in the Vatican–we have only to recall the Inquisition–the hands that are now raised in appeals to the 'Most Merciful' are crimsoned. They have been steeped in blood! . John William Draper