8 Quotes About Vamp

Vampires are mythical creatures that many people conjure up in their minds when they hear the word “horror.” But vampires aren’t just scary. They’re also very misunderstood. If you believe the myths about these blood-drinking monsters, you might think they have a penchant for getting a little too close to the bone, but really, it’s their humanity that makes them so interesting. Here are some quotes from vamps that prove they have more going on beneath the surface than most people know about.

We come together, we create our families, we chose our mates out of the desire to form a life together. Love takes many forms, wears many faces, but when it's real, when it touches your heart, you will know it and--with hope--embrace it. Love is stronger than hate, love is stronger than anger. Love is stronger than all artificial divisions that exist n our world. Yasmine Galenorn
I’d never seen anything like it. First a trial, then...
I’d never seen anything like it. First a trial, then a few murders, then dancing. Life goes on. Or, in this case, death continues. Charlaine Harris
Claire found herself staring at his feet, which were in bunny slippers. Myrnin looked down. "What?" he asked. "They're quite comfortable." He lifted on to look at it, and the ears wobbled in the air. "Of course they are, " she said. Just when she thought Myrnin was getting his mental act together, he'd do something like that. Or maybe he was just messing with her. He liked to do that, and his dark eyes were fixed on her now, assessing just how weirded-out she was. Which, on the grade scale of zero to Myrnin, wasn't much. Rachel Caine
Turning on him, she placed her hands on her hips, glad he was still sitting. "You keep telling me that I need to be sure, but I'm starting to think this is all your bullshit, Ryan O'Callaghan." His eyes widened a fraction, but she continued, letting the steam that had been building inside her break free just a tiny bit. "I know what I want and I'm not going to beg you to mate with me. Katie Reus
We watched Vamps hunting Vamps, Vamp hunters and Witches torching Vamps, teenage girls kissing Vamps. And we giggled and swooned through it all. Shelly Crane
Rules and regulations are for humans. Krystell Lake
Tis the unexpected that makes life interesting. Ashlyn Chase