8 Quotes About Vampirate

Vampires have been a part of pop culture since the early 1900s. The legend was born in Eastern Europe, but it didn’t take long for vampires to make their way to the West, and eventually became a popular obsession. In the past decade, the vampire has been making a comeback. Vampires have been portrayed as misunderstood monsters or sex symbols, but they have also been portrayed as being victims of misunderstood monsters or sex symbols Read more

Check out these surprisingly vampire-friendly quotes on how to be vampire-friendly.

Look, " Grace said. "How strange! In spite of the rain, you can still see the stars. How bright they are tonight." She pointed, but Lorcan didn't look. His eyes remained fixed intently on her." I can't think of a finer sight in the whole world than the one I'm looking at right now, " he said. In spite of being drenched, Grace flushed at his words. Lorcan's eyes sparkled at her, brighter than ever before. It was as if the rare blue gems of his iriseshad been washed by the rain amd buffed by the moonlight to a new intensity. "Grace, there's been something I've wanted to do for a very long time now, but things have kept getting in the way." He reached forward, bringing a hand to the side of her face. Then he gently but firmly drew her wet face toward his. He gazed at her, as if seeing her for the first time. Then he brought his soft lips down to hers and kissed her. Justin Somper
Maybe home isn't a place. Maybe it's a feeling you have inside of you, being around the people who matter to you Justin Somper
But I know how much you care for me. I read it in the ribbon. Lorcan sighed. Did you really need to read the ribbon to know that I cared for you?, he said. Really, Grace, don't you know me at all? I thought I did, she said Justin Somper
Lorcan nodded, "It'ss a beautiful night, " he said. "The stars have all come out for you, Darcy." He turned to go, then had a fresh thought. "Oh and Tempest, a word to the wise.." Grace was busily gathering up the edges of Darcy's train. "Yes?" she said, glancing up at Lorcan. "What is it Furey?" Lorcan grinned." Just so you know, I've put down good money on you catching the wedding bouquet. I trust you wouldn't let me down! " as he winked at her, Grace thought his eyes never looked so blue. They were eyes you could never tire from looking at- as deep and constant and infinite as the ocean itself. . Justin Somper
Yes, he said, taking her hand. And now I think I finally understand that old expression - a sight for sore eyes. Justin Somper
My last words to him were to assure him that we would bring Sally to join him later. And you know what your dad said? He said that he would wait for as long as it took." Grace bit her lip. "But she never came, did she? And he never stopped waiting. Justin Somper
Well, if pirates are bad, And vampires are worse, Then I pray that as long as I be That though I sing of VampiratesI never one shall see. Yea, if pirates are danger And vampires are death, I'll extend my prayer for thee- That thine eyes never see a Vampirate...and they never lay a hand on thee Justin Somper