2 Quotes About The Setting Sun

The Setting Sun is another term for sunset, the symbolic end of the day. This time of day can be a beautiful sight. If you’ve ever taken the time to watch the sunset, you’ll find that it is an emotional experience. The colors are vivid, and what seems like a cloudless sky is often dark with smoke or clouds Read more

That means that it’s getting dark earlier than usual, causing dusk to arrive earlier than it usually does. The Setting Sun Quotes 1) “I saw the setting sun; all was quiet; all was calm; all was bright; it set in majesty; it set in beauty; it set in joy; it set like its own glory, like its own day… I never saw anything like it before… One day I hope to see that sunset again.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 2) “There’s nothing like the sunsets over the sea, when everything is still and you can feel God’s presence in every moment of your life.” -Madeline L'Engle 3) “It is a beautiful sunset, but I don’t think I will go down to watch it fade into darkness. I would rather watch the sun rise.” -Eleanor Roosevelt 4) “The sun has set, but its light remains within us – what we do with that light makes all the difference between failure and success. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter – about what we believe, about how we live, about who we are – and about why we are here.” –Mother Teresa 5) “I have been told of a sunset so beautiful that men have cried because of its loveliness! When I first saw this sunset one evening I was just a child watching from a window on a farm-house porch.

Since then I have seen it over and over again – almost always on a winter evening just after sundown on a farm where there is no city light to interfere with the beauty of this world which God has given us as an inheritance for our enjoyment as long as we live here on earth… A sunset is so different from what one usually sees during the long days of winter from early morning until early evening that one must take some time sometimes to fully appreciate its loveliness and beauty and see beyond its fleeting momentary existence into eternity which awaits each sunrise and each