4 Quotes About The Grace

What’s life without some grace? These quotes about grace teach us to accept others and make the most of every day. Sometimes we get stuck in our ways and refuse to let others bring us out of our comfort zones. This can be a hindrance to relationships and progress, but there is no need for this! We can let go and strive for better. These quotes about grace will help you on your journey to accepting others for their differences rather than judging them for them.

I fell over twice. It was loud. The garden was black outside our circle of light. The endless night stretched all around us, so we told each other that we had to be close together, together in the dark. Laure Eve
I ate and read my book, this particular kind of fantasy novel that I secretly loved. It was my favorite thing to do— eat and read. The world just shut up for a while. Laure Eve
That night I think we were trying to fight against death, against boredom and banality, against everything that made us cry and stare at our futures full in the face with dread. We drank and played games to be in the now, to be in each moment as hard as we could, because the moment was all that mattered, at the end of it all. I remember I felt intoxicated on life and darkness. I felt powerful. It was the most natural thing in the world. This was why we were alive— to be powerful and free. Laure Eve
I remember only images, snapshots burned into me, bleeding into each other until I no longer knew the order in which they had happen. Laure Eve
Everyone said they were witches. I desperately wanted to believe it. Laure Eve