41 Quotes About Guard

Guarding is one of the most essential skills in life. We must guard our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our property, and our money. But how do we guard our heart? By trusting in God to guard it for us. How do we guard our mind? By asking God to guard it for us Read more

How do we guard our body? And how do we guard our wealth? By trusting God to guard all three for us. These are some of the best guards quotes for protecting your heart, mind, body, and money.

Terrell is weeping soundlessly, and despite the guard’s objection, he raises his hand up to the glass. Geraldine mimics him, lining her fingers up with his. It’s lonely to think that one little sheet of glass could create such a thick distance between them, but all the same, regardless of what he’s done, he’s still one of the closest friends she has. Rebecca McNutt
She walked empty handed in the street, where everyone sold their dreams. Ignoring the cold stares of the demon, which guarded it and always craved for the taste of the things every soul hid. At the dead end, it leapt on her. Digging the nails deep into her chest, in the search of the dreams, she hid. Only to be destroyed by the light shot from her heart. The light that blinded the whole world, setting the dreams of others free. Akshay Vasu
I don’t know that love is freedom. Rather, I think...
I don’t know that love is freedom. Rather, I think it’s more a force to preserve freedom. Craig D. Lounsbrough
It's a rare man who can guard against beauty.
It's a rare man who can guard against beauty. Anthony Ryan
Everyone in the organizations is very important. From the sweeper to the security officer; from the messenger to the manager, everyone doing well at his post is a leader. The organization becomes a leading one when it’s made up of people leading in their roles. Israelmore Ayivor
Guard your heart in your spirit. Lailah Gifty Akita
You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean, is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized, that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it? John Lennon
As day is to a sword, night is to a shield. Anthony Liccione
Honour comes and goes, influence comes and stays, but none of them safeguards us against danger than the mentor of true leadership; Jesus Christ! Israelmore Ayivor
Your choices become your directions the moment you start to implement them. When you make choices and you don’t implement them, your choices may be the best ever, but the most useless. Israelmore Ayivor
I am hearing a more resounding voice in the spirit saying, God is changing the guard in the Nigerian church. Sunday Adelaja
Do what you were called to do and guard your calling Sunday Adelaja
We are all bodies of water, guarding the mystery of our depths, but some of us have more to guard than others. Deborah Smith
There are four things that make a man fight as you just did, " the duke explained to Rumbold. "Love, despair, anger, or insanity." Erik counted them off on his fingers. "Everything to lose, nothing to lose, someone's taken it, or you've lost it. Alethea Kontis
When the word is heard consult the source, and beware the messenger. T.F. Hodge
We are to count on this fact that we are dead to sin's rule, that we can stand up to it and say no. Therefore we are to guard our bodies so that sin does not reign in us. So we see that God has made provision for our holiness. Through Christ He has delivered us from sin's reign so that we can now resist sin. But the responsibility for resisting is ours. Jerry Bridges
Where the hell is your guard?" She shouts. Damn if she doesn't sound like Haley. "I'm tired."" Do I look like I care? You're getting the hell pounded out of you. If you want to tap out, then tap out, but don't stand there and let him win. Katie Mcgarry
My knight may not wear a coat of shining armor, but his code of glowing honor will never fail to protect us both from evils far worse than any fire-breathing dragon. Richelle E. Goodrich
You are to weak you need a prowl to protect you... I mean that A Prowl must be your friend (get it?? Prowl film! ) Deyth Banger
A clarion call to the 7000 remnants who are yet to bow their knees to Baal, to arise and come out of the wilderness to take charge of the guard that would lead their Nations and church to the promise land Sunday Adelaja
Be an active bystander because sooner or later you or someone you love could be a victim too. Shahla Khan
Professional and effective manned guarding security services offered by G&A Security agency in UK will work with you to ensure a safe environment. G&A Security
I will become an ocean and make you my greatest secret ever, I'll keep thousands of demons to guard my secret. I'll create storms that none has ever seen. I will lure everyone to the darkest sides and will destroy them if they try to reach you and see what I am hiding back in my heart. Akshay Vasu
You need to guard the city before God could protect it for you Sunday Adelaja
The mighty Mahmúd, Allah-breathing Lord, That all the misbelieving and black HordeOf Fears and Sorrows that infest the SoulScatters before him with his whirlwind Sword. Unknown
God is changing the guard indeed in the body of Christ worldwide. This I cannot be quiet about! Sunday Adelaja
If the seed doesn't get planted, it can't become a toxic thornbush. We must guard our minds and our hearts, starting with our eyes. Craig Groeschel
...Everyone struggles to guard their heart from breaking, when they should desire to have a heart that breaks... John Geddes
You simply couldn't guard yourself against dreams. they attacked late at night when a person was at the most vulnerable. Kate ORiordan
When some claim demarcation and “regulation”, others fancy “deregulation”, preferring foxes guarding the henhouse or chicken yards with free chickens and free foxes. Friend or foe, hen or fox, anyone can have a go. (“This far”) Erik Pevernagie
I Feel like a prison holding myself, bounded by the judgements of people I care and chained by the rules of the society I live in. If I would let the person who speaks inside me out, he would tell you a different story than what you have seen all these years. Sometimes I see myself crying, screaming and trying to tear myself into pieces when I stand in front of the mirror so that I could finally be free from myself. But the demons I have created inside me to guard beats me down and laughs at me, watching me bleed. . Akshay Vasu
For a guy who wore layers upon layers of armor, his give-a-shit was showing. Kelly Moran
Your name?" George asked him directly. He had probably seen the man a dozen times before yet did not know anything about him. King Davit would have no doubt have known half the man's history already." Henry." George took Henry's hand firmly in his own and looked into his eyes. This had to be done delicately, to make sure this Henry did not think him a fool. He tried to think of how his father would do it." Thank you, Henry, for your concern. It is a comfort to know I am so well guarded. I will make sure to praise you when next I speak to the lord general. But for now I think there is no need to worry. Mette Ivie Harrison
We refuse to put guards on duty, we would rather pray for God’s protection. Sunday Adelaja
Letting your guard down, even for a moment, invites death. Peter V. Brett
Every person should guard the vineyard where he has been called to labor Sunday Adelaja
Looking for manned guarding security supplier companies in Darlington or surrounding areas in the UK. Have a look on G&A Security, as we are leading supplier of all security related services including event security, static security, alarm & CCTV camera and more. G&A Security
I want to release my soul from its prison cell, to silence the guards who tell me that I am not capable of living. Every voice that ever told me that I cannot achieve has, at this moment, become silenced. This cell is no longer my home. Leigh Hershkovich
Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. George Washington